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Sociologically love is a potential and effective force. The best of the societies is that which is organized on the basis of fraternity i.e. the love of the administrator and the ruler towards the subjects, and the devotion of the people towards the ruler and the administrator.

The love and the affection in the ruler is a major factor for the soli­darity and continuity of a government. As long as a ruler is divested of love, he may not be able to, or with difficulty may, give lead to the people and make them disciplined and law abiding. But as soon as he establishes harmony and justice in society, people will become law abiding because they find their ruler also having respect for the same. It is his respect, which persuades people to obedience and submission. The Quran addressing the Prophet says that you have power of persuasion and ability to organise a society:

"Because of Allah's bounty and benevolence, you are of tender heart for them. Had you been harsh and snobbish, people would have scattered away from you. So forgive them, beseech their emancipation and in your affairs consult them".

Herein, firstly, Allah traced the cause, for which the people would rally around the Prophet, in the love and affection, which he had for them. Thereafter, Allah commands him to forgive them, to seek their emancipa­tion and to take them in confidence in the administration of affairs.

All these are consequences of love and affection because kindness, forbearance and tolerance flow from love and equity.

He, with the sword of tolerance, redeemed so many people,

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When the sword of iron was going to cut the throats of many;

Yes it is more victorious than hundreds of armies.

The Quran again says, "The virtuous and the vicious are not alike. Repel mischief in a better manner so that enmity that exists between you and him may change into friendship for you".

"Oh! my son forgive, because man may be captivated with favour and beast with trap. Behumble an enemy with kindness. This lasso cannot be cut with a sword."

Amir-ul-Momineen, while designating Malik-ul-Ashtar to the governor-ship of Egypt, made him a behest for public dealing in the following words:

"Awaken, in your heart, the feelings of love, fraternity and tender­ness towards the people. Grant them share from forgiveness and pardon, as your love with God ensures you His forgiveness and pardon".

The heart of a ruler must be full of love and affection for the nation. Power and authority is not enough. It is possible that with power and authority men may be driven like sheep, but it will neither awaken their latent potentialities nor utilize them. Nay! power and authority is not suffi­cient. Even if justice is administered with aridity, it will not be enough. The ruler must be as affectionate as a father and must love the people from the depth of his heart. He must show them kindness. He should possess an attractive and inspiring personality, so that he may be in a position to utilize their will, their vigor and their great potentials. He himself must keep the service of the people as his goal.