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The bases of Kharijism lay in a few matters:

1. To declare Ali, Osman, Mo'awiyah, the Camelists and the Arbitrationists, those who generally agreed to arbitration, as infidels, except those who having once agreed to arbitration subsequently expressed repentance;

2. To declare them as infidels who do not acknowledge Ali, Osman and the rest mentioned above as infidels;

3. Faith is not only a spiritual belief, it must be translated into action by enjoining the virtue and by prohibiting the vice;

4. Absolute and obligatory revolt against a tyrannical Ruler and Imam.

They said enjoining 'virtue' and prohibiting 'vice' is not conditional to anything. This Divine rule must operate everywhere and without exception.

For such of their beliefs, it dawned on them that everyone else on globe was an infidel and liable to be condemned to death and to be perpe­tually lodged in Hell.