![]() ![]() Well-Wisher: You have misconstrued the phrase "...your guardian...." "Wali" is singular, and "kum" (your) is plural, which refers to the people and does not imply the singular. Of course, "Wali" is for one person who is the guardian for the whole community in every age. Second, in the verse under consideration, where the plural is used, some of the fanatics have said that it cannot be interpreted as singular as in the verse "...those who establish prayer..." I replied to this objection earlier. I said that eminent writers have often used the plural connoting the singular. You also claim the plural form in the verse refers to people in general. We say that according to the emphasis of the word "verily," the reference is to Ali, but we do not say that the reference is peculiar to him alone. Others of the holy family of the Prophet are included in it. According to authentic hadith, all the Imams of the progeny of the Prophet are included in this verse. Jarullah Zamakhshari writes in Kashshaf that this verse was revealed in particular in praise of Ali, but the plurals used in it mean that others also should follow him. Sheikh: In this verse "Wali" definitely means "helper." If it meant guardian, which includes the rank of successor, then he should have been appointed to that office during the Prophet's life. Well-Wisher: The rank of Ali is permanent. The grammatical construction of the sentence and the word "Wali" used as an attribute prove the permanent position of Ali. This fact is further supported by the Prophet declaring Ali his vicegerent on the journey of Tabuk and never withdrawing it. Our point of view is further strengthened by the hadith-e-Manzila (Hadith of Rank), which the Holy Prophet repeatedly narrated: "Ali is to me as Aaron was to Moses," which I have explained on previous nights. This in itself is another proof of Ali being the Wali (guardian) or vicegerent of the Holy Prophet during the Prophet's life and after his death. Sheikh: If we were to give due consideration to the matter, we would admit that this verse does not refer to Ali. His rank is above that which we want to prove from this verse. It does not prove any excellence for him, it rather lowers his position. Well-Wisher: Neither you nor I - none of the community - including
the great companions of the Prophet, have any right to interfere with the
real interpretation of the verses. Qur'anic verses are not revealed
according to our wishes. If some people interpret their meaning based
on mere opinion or point out the occasion on which they were revealed,
they are certainly irreligious. For example, followers of Abu Bakr say that
according to the hadith narrated by the notorious forger Akrama, this