![]() ![]() Prophet. All of them (like Mu'awiya, the Bani Umayya, the Nasibi's, the Kharijis) are themselves cursed. Now this much is sufficient. The Day of Judgement will surely come. Since our oppressed ancestor assumed silence and left the decision to that Day, we shall also remain silent. There is a second point which disproves the supposed hadith: "We leave no inheritance..." The Holy Prophet said: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate; and I am the house of wisdom and Ali is its door." Both sects accepted this. Certainly, one who was the gate of the Holy Prophet's knowledge understood all hadith and instructions of the Holy Prophet, particularly those concerned with the problems of inheritance. On them depends the welfare of the whole nation. The Holy Prophet also said: "One who wishes to acquire knowledge should come to Ali's door." If his knowledge had been incomplete, the Holy Prophet would not have said that Ali was the best judge in the whole community. He said: "Ali is the best of all among you in interpreting the laws." This hadith is recorded in all your authentic books. Would the Holy Prophet proclaim the superiority of a man's mastery of the laws, if that man did not understand the problems of inheritance and the rights of the people? Part of the purpose of the Holy Prophet was to secure social reform for the people in this world and peace and comfort for them in the hereafter. How could he make Ali the Commander of the Faithful and yet not convey to him a tradition such as this which affects the entire social order? Sheikh: Neither of these two things is proved according to us. The hadith of Medina is not accepted by our distinguished ulema and the problem of vicegerency and succession has also been rejected by the reputable ulema. Bukhari and Muslim in their collections of hadith and others of our prominent ulema, report on the authority of Ummu'l-Mu'minin A'yesha that the head of the Holy Prophet at the time of his death rested against her chest until he passed away. She stated that he did not make a Will. Had he made a Will, Ummu'l-Mu'minin would have narrated it, and the question of the Will would have been settled. HADITH "I AM THE CITY OF KNOWLEDGE AND ALI IS IT'S GATE
Well-Wisher: Regarding the hadith
you have been very unfair. I have already told you that both sects
have unanimously accepted it and that it has been reported with
almost perfect continuity. The following of your notable ulema
have confirmed the authenticity of this hadith: Imam