Chapter 15

On Remembrance

257- In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Hassan al-Baz'zaz narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Do you want me to inform you about the hardest duties God has made incumbent upon His servants?" He then discussed three duties, the third of which was to always remember God, whether we are rushing to obey Him, or we are committing sins."

258- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Remembering God often is one of the most important acts that God has made incumbent upon His servants." He then added: "Beware that by this I do not mean just reciting the praises of God the Almighty. Rather I mean remembering what God has allowed, what He has forbidden, obeying God and abandoning sins."

259- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "There are three groups of people: those who are quiet; those who remember God; and those who say things to cause discord among the people."

260- Unus ibn Abdulrahman narrated that Luqman said to his son: "O' my dear son! Be careful when you enter a gathering to sit with those who are remembering God. This way your knowledge will increase if you are knowledgeable, and you will become knowledgeable if you are ignorant. There is hope that God will spread the shade of His Mercy upon them, and you may benefit from His Mercy, too. But if you see some people who do not remember God, do not sit with them since you will not gain any knowledge if you are knowledgeable, and you will be more misguided if you are ignorant, and God may encompass them with the shadow of His Chastisement in which case you will be chastised too."

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الفصل الخامس عشر

في الذكر

257. من كتاب المحاسن: عن الحسن البزّاز عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في حديثٍ قال: ألا أحدثكم بأشدّ ما افترض الله على خلقه؟ فذكر له ثلاثةُ أشياء، الثالث منها: ذكرُ الله في كلّ موطنٍ إذا هجم على طاعةٍ أو معصيةٍ.

258. عنه عليه السلام قال: مِن أشدّ ما فرض الله على خلقه ذكر الله كثيراً، ثمّ قال: أما لا أعني "سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إلهَ إلاّ الله والله أكْبَرُ" وإن كان منه، ولكن ذكر الله عند ما أحلّ وحرّم، فإنْ كان طاعةً عمل بها وإنْ كان معصيةً تركها.

259. عن الباقر ( عليه السلام المجالس) ثلاثةٌ: سالمٌ، وغانمٌ، وشاجبٌ، فالسالم الصامت، والغانم الذاكر لله، والشاجب الّذي يلفظ ويقع في الناس.

260. عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان رفعه قال لقمان لابنه: يا بُنيَّ اختم المجالس على عينيك، فإذا رأيتَ قوما يذكرون اللهسبحانه و تعاليفاجلس معهم فإنّك إن تكن عالماً يزيدوك علماً، وإنْ كنتَ جاهلاً علّموك، ولعلّ الله أنْ يظلّهم برحمةٍ فيعمّك معهم، وإذا رأيتَ قوماً لا يذكرون الله فلا تجلس معهم، فإنّك إن تكن عالماً لا ينفعك علمك، وإن تكن جاهلاًً يزيدوك جهلاً ولعلّ الله أن يظلّهم بعقوبةٍ فيعمّك معهم.

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261- One of the companions of Imam Sadiq (a.s) said that he once asked the Imam (a.s) who the most respectable person in the sight of God is. The Imam (a.s) replied: "The one who remembers God the most, and is best known to serve Him is the most respectable person near God."

262- Asbaq ibn Nabateh narrated that Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "There are two types of remembrance: remembering God during times of calamities, and even better is remembering God when you are about to do what God has forbidden. This form of remembrance will cause you to abandon forbidden acts."

263- In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that God the Almighty said: "Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and reject not Faith." (The Holy Quran: Baqara 2:152). And He also said: "O' ye who believe! Celebrate the praises of God, and do this often." (The Holy Quran: Ahzab 33:41). He also said: "For men and women who engage much in God's praise, for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward." (The Holy Quran: Ahzab 33:35). He also said: "Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou art one to admonish. Thou art not one to manage (men's) affairs." (The Holy Quran: Ghashia 88:21-22)

264- The Noble Prophet (a.s) said: "O' Ali! The following three are one's noblest characteristics: being fair, treating others as equals, and remembering God the Blessed, the High in all situations."

265- Either Imam Sadiq (a.s) or Imam Baqir (a.s) has been narrated to have said: "There are seven things in the body in charge of remembrance of God: the tongue, the soul, the spirit, the intellect, the wisdom, the head, and the heart- either of which needs to persevere. The tongue's perseverance is attained through honesty in uttering words. The soul's perseverance is attained through presence of one's mind. The spirit's perseverance is attained through sincerity in repentance. The heart's perseverance is attained through properly begging for pardon. The intellect's perseverance is attained through properly learning from one's mistakes. The wisdom's perseverance is attained through proper pride, and the head's perseverance is attained through awareness of the secrets of the world.

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261. عن بعض أصحاب أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت له: مَن أكرم الخلق علىَ الله؟ قال: أكثرهم ذِكرا لله وأعملهم بطاعته.

262. عن أصبغ بن نباته قال: قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام الذكر ذكران: ذكر اللهسبحانه و تعاليعند المصيبة، وأفضل من ذلك ذكر الله عند ما حرّم عليك فيكون حاجزاً.

263. ومن كتاب روضة الواعظين: قال اللهسبحانه و تعاليفَاذْكُروني أذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرْوا لي وَلا تَكْفُرُونَ( وقال تعالى: )يا أيُّهاَ الَّذينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا الله ذِكراً كَثيراً( وقال تعالى: )وَ الذَّاكِرينَ الله كَثِيراً وَالَّذاكِراتِ( وقال تعالى: )فَذَكِّرْ إِنَّما أَنْتَ مُذَكِّرْ * لَسْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِمُصَيْطِرْ).

264. وقال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم يا عليّ، سيّد الأعمال ثلاث خصالٍ: إنصافك من نفسك، ومواساة الأخ في الله، وذكر الله تبارك وتعالى على كلّ حالٍ.

265. رُوي عن بعض الصادقين أنّه قال: الذكر مقسومٌ على سبعة أعضاء: اللسان، والروح، والنفس، والعقل، والمعرفة، والسرّ، والقلب. وكلّ واحدٍ يحتاج إلى استقامةٍ، فاستقامةُ اللسان صدقُ الإقرار، واستقامةُ الروح صدق الاحتضار، واستقامةُ النفس صدق الاستغفار، واستقامة القلب صدقُ الاعتذار، واستقامة العقل صدق الاعتبار، واستقامة المعرفة صدق الافتخار، واستقامة السرّ السرور بعالم الأسرار.

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Thus the remembrance of God is equal to uttering praises of God for the tongue; struggling and hard work for the spirit; fear and hope for the soul; honesty and sincerity for the heart; exaltation and shyness for the intellect; submission and contentment for the wisdom; and witnessing to and approaching God for the head."

266- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "All good characteristics are summarized in three acts: looking, silence and talking. Any looking that is without learning is a waste of time. Any silence that is without pondering is due to ignorance. And any talking that is not accompanied by remembrance of God is vain talk. Then blessed be those who learn when they look; think when they are silent; remember God when they talk; are sorry for their wrong-doings; and the people are safe from their mischief."

267- The Noble Prophet (a.s) said: "The reward of any Muslim who sits in his prayer chamber at dawn and remembers God untill the night is equal to the reward of one who goes on the holy pilgrimage (to God's House in Ka'ba). He shall be forgiven all his sins."

268- The Noble Prophet (a.s) said: "Set up the gardens of Heaven once you find them as the places in which you go for pleasure." He was asked where they were. He replied: "Where God is remembered."

269- The Prophet (a.s) said: "There are no groups of people who start remembering God to whom a divine announcement as to their being forgiven is not issued. There are also no groups of people who start remembering God and some of the angels do not accompany them."

270- The Prophet (a.s) said: "There are no groups of people who start remembering God without being surrounded by the angels and without receiving God's Mercy, and peace of mind. Their names shall be remembered together with those of their companions."

271- Moses (a.s) asked God: "What is the reward of one who wholeheartedly remembers You?" God the Almighty replied: "On Judgment Day I will spread the shadow of My Dominion over him and protect him."

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وذكر اللسان الحمد والثناء، وذكر النفس الجهد والعناء، وذكر الروح الخوف والرجاء، وذكر القلب الصدق والصفاء، وذكر العقل التعظيم والحياء، وذكر المعرفة التسليم والرضا، وذكر السرّ الرؤية واللقاء.

266. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام جُمع الخير في ثلاث خصالٍ: في النظر، والسكوت، والكلام، فكلّ نظرٍ ليس فيه اعتبارٌ فهو سهوٌ، وكلّ سكوتٍ ليس فيه فكرة فهو غفلة، وكلّ كلامٍ ليس فيه ذكر فهو لغو، فطوبى لمن كان نظره عبراً، وسكوته فكراً، وكلامه ذكراً، وبكى على خطيئته، وأمن الناس شرّه.

267. قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم أيّما امرئ مسلمٍ جلس في مصلّاه الّذي يصلّي فيه الفجر يذكر الله حتّى تطلع الشمس، كان له من الأجر كحاجّ بيت الله، وغُفر له.

268. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم إذا وجدتم رياض الجنّة فارتعوا فيها، قالوا: وما رياض الجنّة يا رسول الله؟ قال: مجالس الذكر.

269. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم ما جلس قومٌ يذكرون الله إلا نادى بهم منادٍ من السماء: قوموا فقد بدّلت سيّئاتكم حسناتٍ، وغُفِرَ لكم جميعاً، وما قعد عدّةٌ من أهل الأرض يذكرون الله إلا قعد معهم عدّةٌ من الملائكة.

270. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم ما جلس قومٌ يذكرون الله إلا حفتهم الملائكة، وغشتهم الرحمة، وتنزّلت عليهم السكينة، وذكرتهم فيمن عندهم.

271. قال موسى عليه السلام فما جزاء من ذكرك بلسانه وقلبه؟ قال: يا موسى، أظلّه يوم القيامة بظلّ عرشي وأجعله في كنفي.

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272- The Prophet (a.s) said: "I saw a man encircled by Satans in a dream. He was saved by remembering God."

273- Jabir said that he once told Imam Baqir (a.s): "There are some people who are such that whenever a part of the Quran is read for them or they are reminded of it, one of them becomes unconscious. He gets so unconscious that he will not even realize it if you cut off both his hands or legs." The Imam (a.s) said: "Praise be to God. This is a Satanic act. They have not been instructed to do so. The Quran is only meant to cause fear of God, softening of the heart and weeping."

274- In Majma ul-Bayan it is narrated that the Prophet (a.s) was quoted as saying the following regarding the verse: "Henceforth were your hearts hardened: they become like a rock and even worse in hardness." (The Holy Quran: Baqara 2:74) "Do not keep on talking without remembering God. This will harden your hearts. And those whose hearts are hardened are the ones most distant from God."

275- In Al-Zuhd it is narrated that Uthman ibn Abdullah has quoted the following on the authority of the Immaculate Imams (a.s): "When the winter comes you are told that the nights have become longer so that you may pray, and the days have been shortened so that you may fast, and if you cannot stay awake at night and cannot fight with your enemies and do not feel good about giving charity, remember God more often."

276- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Nothing is a harder (divine) test for a believer than giving charity from what he has earned from God the Almighty, being just and frequently remembering God." He then said: "I do not mean that you should often say praises of God, but remember God in what you do regarding what is allowed and what is forbidden."

277- In Uyun Akhbar al-Reza it is narrated that Raja ibn Abil-Zah'hak said that Ma'mun sent him to bring Imam Reza (a.s) from Madina by way of Basra, Ahvaz and Fars, but not by way of Qum. He said he was ordered to personally accompany and guard the Imam (a.s) the whole way until they reached their destination. Therefore he was with the Imam (a.s) all the way from Medina to Marv. He said that he swears by God that he has never seen anyone more pious than the Imam (a.s)- always remembering and fearing God.

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272. قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم رأيتُ في المنام رجلاً من أمتي قد احتوشته الشياطين فجاءه ذِكر اللهسبحانه و تعاليفنجّاه [من] بينهم.

273. قال جابر: قلتُ لأبي جعفر عليه السلام إنّ قوما إذا ذكروا بشيءٍ من القرآن أو حدّثوا به صعق أحدهم حتّى ترى أنّه لو قطعت يداه ورجلاه لم يشعر بذلك، فقال: سبحان الله ذاك مِن الشيطان ما أمروا بهذا إنّما هو اللين والرقّة والدمعة والوجل.

274. ومن كتاب مجمع البيان: في قوله سبحانه و تعالي: ]ثُمَّ قَسَتْ قُلُوبُكُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ ذلِكَ فَهِيَ كَالْحِجارَةِ أَوْ أَشَدُّ قَسْوَةً...[ الآية وقد ورد الخبر عن النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم أنّه قال: لا تكثروا الكلام بغير ذكر الله، فإنّ كثرة الكلام بغير ذكر الله تُقسي القلب، وإنَّ أبعد الناس مِن الله القاسي القلب.

275. من كتاب الزهد: عن عثمان بن عبد الله رفعه قال: إذا كان الشتاء نادى منادٍ: يا أهل القرآن، قد طال الليل لصلاتكم، وقصر النهار لصيامكم، فإن كنتم لا تقدرون على الليل أنْ تكابدوه، ولا على العدوّ أن تجاهدوه، وبخلتم بالمال أن تنفقوه فأكثروا ذكر الله.

276. ومن كتابٍ: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ما ابتليَ المؤمن بشيءٍ أشدّ مِن المواساة في ذات اللهسبحانه و تعاليوالإنصاف من نفسه، وذكر الله كثيراً، ثمّ قال: أما إنّي لا أقول "سُبْحانَ الله وَالْحَمْدُ لله" ولكن ذكره عند [ما أحلّو ذكره عند] ما حرّم.

277. ومن كتاب عيون الأخبار: عن رجاء بن أبي الضحّاك قال: بعثني المأمون في إشخاص عليّ بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام من المدينة، وأمرني أن آخذ به على طريق البصرة والأهواز وفارس ولا آخذ به على طريق قم، وأمرني أن أحفظه بنفسي بالليل والنهار حتّى أقدم عليه، فكنتُ معه من المدينة إلى مرو، فوالله ما رأيت رجلاً كان أتقى لله عز وجل منه، ولا أكثر ذِكراً لله تعالى في جميع أوقاته منه، ولا أشدّ خوفاً لله تعالى.

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278- The Prophet (a.s) said: "All that man says is not to his benefit, except for enjoining the right, forbidding the wrong and remembering God." He also said: "God Has ordered me that all my talking should be in remembrance of God, my silence should be accompanied by thinking and my looking should be accompanied by learning."

279- In Al-Zuhd it is narrated that the members of the Holy Household (a.s) quoted on the authority of Zayd ibn Ali on the authority of his forefathers that Imam Ali (a.s) quoted on the authority of the Prophet (a.s): "There are three types of talking: remembering God; silence; and what leads one to do wrong acts."

280- Ibn Abi Ya'fur narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There are three things that are really hard for the people: forgiving the faults of others; accepting that others have more wealth than they do; and remembering God often."

281- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "We are those who possess the Message" regarding the verse: "If you realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message." [The Holy Quran: Nahl 16:43]

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278. ومن سائر الكتب: عن النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم أنّه قال: كلام ابن آدم كلّه عليه لا له، إلا أمراً بمعروفٍ أو نهياً عن منكرٍ أو ذكراً لله تعالى، وقال: إنّ ربّي أمرني أن يكون نطقي ذِكراً، وصمتي فكراً، ونظري عِبرةً.

279. ومن كتاب الزهد: عن أهل البيت: عن زيد بن عليّ عن آبائه عن عليّ عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم الكلام ثلاثة: فرابحٌ، وسالمٌ، وشاجبٌ، فأمّا الرابح الّذي يذكر الله، وأمّا السالم فالساكت، وأمّا الشاجب فالّذي يخوض في الباطل.

280. عن ابن أبي يعفور عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ثلاثٌ لا يطيقهنّ الناس: الصفح عن الناس، ومؤاساة الرجل أخاه في ماله، وذكر الله كثيراً.

281. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام في معنى قوله تعالى: ]فاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِكْرِ[ قال: نحن أهل الذِكر.

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On Shiites: Their Signs, and

Chapter 1

On Shiite Characteristics

282- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Once a group of people started walking behind Ameer al-Momineen (a.s). He asked them who they were. They said that they were his followers. He asked them why they did not have the signs of his followers. They asked him what the signs of the Shiites are. He said: "Paleness due to shortage of sleep, being slim due to fasting, dried lips due to extensive praying and humbleness."

283- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Ali's follower is one who is careful about what he eats and guards his honor, is hard-working, works for his Creator and expects his rewards from Him, and fears His chastisement. When you see such people, they are my followers also."

284- The Blessed Musa ibn Ja'far (a.s) said: "Three acts perfect good deeds: rushing in performing them, hiding them, and not making a big deal out of them. Good deeds are pleasant if done fast. They are important if one does not make a big deal out of them. They are perfect if they are done in secret."

285- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There are some servants of God on the Earth who struggle to fulfill the needs of other people. They will be saved on the Resurrection Day."

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الباب الثاني

في ذكر الشيعة وأحوالهم وعلاماتهم
وآدابهم وما يليق بها

الفصل الأوّل

في ذكر صفات الشيعة

282. قال الصادق عليه السلام تبع قومٌ أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فالتفت إليهم فقال: مَنْ أنتم؟ قالوا: شيعتك يا أمير المؤمنين، قال: ما لي لا أرى عليكم سيماء الشيعة؟ فقالوا: وما سيماء الشيعة؟ قال: صفر الوجوه من السهر، خمص البطون من الصيام، ذبل الشفاه من الدعاء، عليهم غبرة الخاشعين.

283. وقال الصادق عليه السلام إنّما شيعة عليٍّ مَن عَفَّ بطنه وفرجه، واشتدّ جهاده، وعمل لخالقه، ورجا ثوابه، وخاف عقابه، فإذا رأيتَ أولئك فأولئك شيعة جعفر.

284. عن موسى بن جعفر عليهما السلام أنّه قال: إنّ المعروف لا يستتمّ إلا بتعجيله وستره وتصغيره، فإذا أنتَ عجّلته فقد هنّأته، وإذا أنتَ صغّرتَه فقد عظّمته، وإذا أنتَ سترتَه فقد أتممتَه.

285. وقال عليه السلام إنّ لله عباداً في الأرض يسعون في حوائج الناس، هم الآمنون يوم القيامة.

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286- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "How good it is for an eloquent person to be silent! There are instances of slip of the tongue in talking that might cause one's failure."

287- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There are some servants of God who are eloquent, wise and knowledgeable but their hearts are filled with the fear of God and have stopped talking. They compete with each other in doing good deeds to approach God. They do not overestimate their deeds, and do not get pleased with the small amount of good deeds that they perform. Although they are intelligent and good people, they consider themselves to be wicked people."

288- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will humiliate anyone who humiliates a believer due to his being poor. He will remain in such a state until he repents." He also said: "On the Resurrection Day believers will be proud."

289- It has been narrated that the Prophet of God (a.s) entered the House of God accompanied by Fazl ibn Abbas and Usamat ibn Zayd the year he conquered Mecca. When he left that House, he held the door knob in his hands and said: "Praise be to God who fulfilled His promise and acknowledged His servant, and conquered all the parties alone. God removed all the Arab's hatred and arrogance due to their lineage. You are all the children of Adam, and Adam was made of clay. The noblest one among you is the most pious one."

290- Imam Baqir (a.s) asked Jabir: "Does it suffice for one who claims to be our follower to just express his friendship with the members of the Holy Household? I swear by God that no one is our true follower unless he fears God and obeys Him. Our followers are known for their humbleness and frequent remembrance of God; fasting; praying; helping the orphans, the needy, the ones in debt and needy neighbors; reading the Quran; and talking properly with the people. They have always been trustworthy in their tribes." Jabir asked: "O' Grandson of the Prophet! I do not know anybody with these traits." Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "O' Jabir! Do not let the various sects affect you. Do you think that it suffices for one to say that he likes Imam Ali (a.s) and he is his follower, but does not do anything to support his claim?

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286. وقال عليه السلام ما أحسن الصمت مِن غير عيٍّ، والهَذّار له سقطات.

287. وقال الصادق عليه السلام إنّ لله عباداً كسرت قلوبهم خشيةً، فأسكتهم عن النُطق وأنّهم لَفُصحاءٌ عقلاءٌ ألبّاءٌ نُبَلاءٌ، يستبقون إليه بالأعمال الزكيّة، لا يستكثرون له الكثير ولا يرضون له بالقليل، يرون في أنفسهم أنّهم شرارٌ وأنّهم أكياسٌ أبرار.

288. وقال الصادق عليه السلام مَن حقّر مؤمنا لقلّة ماله حقّره الله، فلم يزل عند الله محقوراً حتّى يتوب ممّا صنع. وقال: إنّهم يُباهون بأكفائهم يوم القيامة.

289. ويروى: إنّ رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم دخل البيت عام الفتح ومعه الفضل بن عبّاس وأُسامة بن زيد، ثمّ خرج فأخذ بحلقة الباب، ثمّ قال: "الحمد لله الّذي صدَّق عبده، وأنجز وعده، وغلب الأحزاب وحده، إنّ الله أذهب نخوة العرب وتكبّرها بآبائها، وكلّكم من آدم وآدم من ترابٍ، وإنّ أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم.

290. عن محمّد بن عليّ الباقر عليه السلام أنّه قال لجابر: أيكتفي مَن انتحل التشيّع أن يقول بحبّنا أهل البيت؟ فوالله ما شيعتنا إلا من اتّقى الله وأطاعه، وما كانوا يعرفون إلا بالتواضع والتخشّع، وكثرة ذكر الله، والصوم والصلاة، والتعهّد للجيران من الفقراء وأهل المسكنة والغارمين والأيتام، وصدق الحديث وتلاوة القرآن، وكفّ الألسن عن الناس إلا من خيرٍ، وكانوا أُمناء عشائرهم في الأشياء. قال جابر: فقلت: يا بن رسول الله، ما نعرف أحدا بهذه الصفة، قال: يا جابر، لا تذهبنّ بك المذاهب، حسب الرجل أن يقول أُحبّ عليّا وأتولّاه ثمّ لا يكون مع ذلك فعّالاً؟

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Or he says that he likes the Prophet, who is even better than Imam Ali (a.s), but does not take his example and follow his deeds and act according to the Prophet's tradition. Just having love for the Prophet (a.s) is of no use for him. Therefore fear God, and act in such a way as to attain what is near God, since there is no relation of kin between God and anyone. The one most loved by God is the one who is the most pious, and the noblest one is the one who fears God and obeys Him. I swear by God that it is not possible to get close to God unless by His obedience, and we do not hold the key to relief from the Fire of Hell, and no one has any authority over God. Whoever is obedient to God is our friend, and whoever disobeys God is our enemy. No one can attain our friendship unless by having nobility and piety."

291- Amr ibn Sa'eed ibn Bilal said that he and some other people went to see Imam Baqir (a.s). The Imam (a.s) said: "Lean on the mid-sized cushion1 so that those who have gone too far return and those who have been too slow reach you. By God, O' followers of the family of Muhammad! Beware that there are no relations of kin between God and us and we have no authority over God. One cannot get close to God except by obeying Him. Our friendship is useful for those who obey God, and is useless for those who are disobedient to Him. Amr said that the Imam (a.s) then turned around, faced them and said: "Do not be fooled, and do not accuse2." Amr asked: "What is meant by the mid-sized cushion?" The Imam (a.s) said: "Have you not noticed that when a group of people enter a house in which there are a variety of cushions, they choose the mid-sized ones to lean on and rest?"

292- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "I advise you to be careful about what you say and guard your honor."
1-Translators' note: Be moderate and do not go to any extremes.
2-Translators' note: The Imam (a.s) admonishes the people not to be fooled in thinking that by just loving the Household of the prophet (and not obeying God) one can be saved. Also they should not accuse the Household of the prophet of having authority over God.

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فلو قال: إنّي أُحبّ رسول الله، فرسول الله خيرٌ من عليٍّ، ثمّ لا يعمل بعلمه، ولا يتبع سنّته، ما نفعه حبّه إيّاه شيئاً، فاتّقوا الله واعملوا لِما عند الله، ليس بين الله وبين أحدٍ قرابةٌ، أحبّ العباد إلى الله وأكرمهم عليه أتقاهم له وأعملهم بطاعته، والله ما يتقرّب إلى اللهسبحانه و تعاليإلا بالطاعة، ما معنا براءةٌ من النار، ولا على الله لأحدٍ من حجّةٍ، مَن كان لله مطيعا فهو لنا وليٌّ، ومَن كان لله عاصيا فهو لنا عدوٌّ، ولا ينال غداً ولايتنا إلا بالفضل والورع.

291. عن عمرو بن سعيد بن بلال قال: دخلتُ على أبي جعفر عليه السلام ونحن جماعةٌ فقال: كونوا النمرقة الوسطى يرجع إليكم الغالي، ويلحق بكم التالي، واعلموا يا شيعة آل محمّد، والله ما بيننا وبين الله مِن قرابةٍ ولا لنا على الله حجّةٌ، ولا يتقرّب إلى الله إلا بالطاعة، من كان مطيعا نفعتْه ولايتُنا، ومَن كان عاصيا لم تنفعه ولايتُنا، قال: ثمّ التفت إلينا وقال: لا تغترّوا ولا تفتروا، قلت: وما النمرقة الوسطى؟ قال: ألا ترون أهلا تأتون أن تجعلوا للنمط الأوسط فضله.

292. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: أوصيك بحفظ ما بين رجليك وما بين لحييك.

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293- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Those who possess knowledge are the ones who are trustworthy. The pious people are the ones who strictly guard the religion, and the ones who act according to religious decrees are the masters of religion."

294- Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted on the authority of God's Prophet (a.s): "Whoever recognizes God and His Grandeur will shut his mouth up. He will neither talk nor eat. He will fast and stay up at night to pray." They asked him: "O' Prophet of God! May our parents be your devoted servants! Are they God's saints?" He said: "God's saints are quiet, and their silence is in remembrance of God. They look, and their looking is to learn a lesson. They talk, and their sayings are words of wisdom. They walk around, and their walking is a blessing for the people. If their life was not predestined for them, their souls would leave their bodies from the fear of divine chastisement and the eagerness for receiving divine rewards."

295- Imam Zayn al-Abedin (a.s) said: "Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said his morning prayer, sat in his place of prayer and waited until the sun started to rise. Then he faced the people and said: "I swear by God that I saw some people who stood up in prayer and prostrated in God's worship all night long, and pressed their knees and foreheads against the floor as if they heard the blazing Fire of Hell, and would shake like trees whenever they were reminded of God, as if they had been in ignorance." Imam Zayn al-Abedin (a.s) continued: "Then Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) stood up and was never seen to laugh again until he died."

296- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "The true followers of Imam Ali (a.s) are those who donate from their wealth to each other due to our friendship; become friends with each other due to our friendship; do not act oppressively if they get angry; do not waste things when they are pleased. They are blessings for their neighbors; and are a source of comfort and convenience for their associates."

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293. عنه عليه السلام قال: العلماءُ أُمناءٌ، والأتقياءُ حُصونٌ، والعمّالُ سادةٌ.

294. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم مَن عرف الله وعظّمه منع فاه من الكلام، وبطنه من الطعام، وعنى نفسه بالصيام والقيام، قالوا: بآبائنا وأمهاتنا يا رسول الله، هؤلاء أولياء الله؟ قال: إنّ أولياء الله سكتوا وكان سكوتهم ذِكرا، ونظروا وكان نظرهم عبرةً، ونطقوا فكان نطقهم حكمةً، ومشوا وكان مشيهم بين الناس بركةً، ولولا الآجال الّتي كتبتْ عليهم لم تقرّ أرواحهم في أجسادهم خوفا من العذاب وشوقا إلى الثواب.

295. عن عليّ بن الحسين عليه السلام قال: صلّى أمير المؤمنين [ عليه السلام الفجر] ثمّ لم يزل في موضعه حتّى صارت الشمس على قيد رُمحٍ، وأقبل على الناس بوجهه فقال: والله لقد أدركنا أقواما كانوا يبيتون لربّهم سجّدا وقياما، يراوحون بين جباههم وركبهم كأنّ زفير النار في آذانهم، إذا ذُكر الله عندهم مادوا كما يميد الشجر كأنّ القوم باتوا غافلين، قال: ثمّ قام فما رؤي ضاحكاً حتّى قُبض، صلوات الله عليه.

296. عن الباقر عليه السلام قال: شيعة عليٍّ المتباذلون في ولايتنا، المتحابّون في مودّتنا، الّذين إذا غضبوا لم يظلموا، وإن رضوا لم يُسرفوا، بركةٌ على من جاوروا، وأسلم لمن خالطوا.

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Chapter 2

On Signs of the Shiites

297- It has been narrated that Muhammad ibn Nabik narrated on the authority of Abu Abdullah Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn Muqbal al-Qumi on the authority of abul-Hassan Ali ibn Muhammad al-Za'edi al-Basri on the authority of al-Hassan ibn Sa'd on the authority of al-Haysam ibn Vaqed al-Jazri on the authority of Muhzam: "Muhzam said that once he went to see Imam Sadiq (a.s) and he talked about Shiites. The Imam (a.s) said: "O' Muhzam! Our true follower is one whose voice will not pass through his ears and leave his body and reach someone else1. He does not like our enemies, and is not the enemy of our friends. He does not associate with those who boast about us, does not bark like dogs, and is not greedy like crows. He does not ask anyone for anything even if he is starving to death. He is aloof. If our follower's houses are distant from each other, their words are not. If they are absent, no one will look for them; and if they are present, no one will pay any attention to them. If they propose marriage, no one will marry off their daughters to them. They leave this world with their desires still in their hearts. If they see a believer, they will respect him. If they see an infidel, they will abandon him. If a needy person comes to see them, they will have mercy upon him and help him by using their own property." Then he added: "O' Muhzam! My grandfather, the Prophet of God told Ali: 'O' Ali! One who thinks that he likes me and does not like you is a liar. I am the city, and you are its gate. How can anyone enter a city without going through its gate?"
1 Translators' note: i.e. he is silent.
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الفصل الثاني

في ذكر علامات الشيعة

297. روى محمّد بن نبيك قال: حدّثني أبو عبد الله جعفر بن محمّد بن مقبل القمّي ببغداد قال: حدّثني أبو الحسن عليّ بن محمّد الزائدي البصري بإصفهان قال: حدّثنا الحسن بن أسد قال: حدّثنا الهيثم بن واقد الجزري قال: حدّثني مهزم قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام فذكرت الشيعة فقال: يا مهزم إنّما الشيعة مَن لا يعدو سمعه صوته ولا شحنة بدنه، ولا يحبّ لنا مُبغضا، ولا يبغض لنا مُحبّا، ولا يجالس لنا غاليا ولا يهرّ هرير الكلب، ولا يطمع طمع الغراب، ولا يسأل الناس وإن مات جوعا، المتنحّي عن الناس، الخفي عليهم، وإن اختلفت بهم الدار لم تختلف أقاويلهم، إن غابوا لم يفقدوا، وإن حضروا لم يؤبه بهم، وإن خطبوا لم يزوّجوا، يخرجون من الدنيا وحوائجهم في صدورهم، إن لقوا مؤمنا أكرموه، وإن لقوا كافرا هجروه، وإن أتاهم ذو حاجةٍ رحموه، وفي أموالهم يتواسون. ثمّ قال: يا مهزم، قال جدّي رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم لعليّ عليه السلام يا عليّ، كذب مَن زعم أنّه يحبّني ولا يحبّك، أنا المدينة وأنت الباب ومِن أين تؤتى المدينة إلا من بابها.

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In another tradition the same issues are presented until the statement "even if he is starving to death" then it is continued: Muhzam said: "May I be your devoted servant! Where can I find them?" Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Look for them on the Earth. They live a simple life. They move about from one town to another. They do not get in fights often. No one will visit them if they get ill. No one will follow their corpse in their funeral processions when they die. If an ignorant person addresses them, they will greet him. They are not restless when it is time for them to die. They help others with their property. If a needy person comes to see them, they will have mercy upon him and give him from what they own. Their hearts are not separate from each other even if their towns are." Then he said: "God's Prophet (a.s) said: 'O' Ali! Whoever says that he thinks he likes me, but is your enemy is a liar."

298-Meysareh narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "O' Meysareh! Do you want me to tell you about our followers?" He said: "May I be your devoted servant! Yes." Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "They are like strong castles in faithful hearts. They have strong ideas. They do not hide the truth. They are not vain and ostentatious people. They are worshippers at nighttime and courageous like a lion during the daytime."

299- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Imam Ali's (a.s) followers are slim and their lips are dry due to frequent mentioning and praise of God in His remembrance."

300- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Indeed the companions of Imam Ali (a.s) were trustworthy and trusted by the tribes. The people were pleased with them. They used to stay up at night for worshipping, and were bright sources (of guidance) in the daytime."

301- Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted on the authority of Rabiat ibn Najed that he heard Imam Ali (a.s) say: "Our followers are like bees which live among birds. None of the birds recognize the bees because of their small size, and weakness. They would not treat them this way if they realized that these very small bees can carry honey which is very valuable in their stomachs1."
1 Translators' note: The Imam (a.s) is referring to the divine knowledge handed down to the shiites.
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وروى أيضا مهزم هذا الحديث إلى قوله: وإن مات جوعاً، قال قلتُ: جعلتُ فداك أين أطلبُ هؤلاء؟ قال: هؤلاء اطلبهم في أطراف الأرض، أولئك الخفيض عيشهم، المنتقلة ديارهم، القليلة منازعتهم، إنْ مَرَضوا لم يعادوا، وإن ماتوا لم يشهدوا، وإنْ خاطبهم جاهلٌ سلّموا، وعند الموت لا يجزعون، وفي أموالهم يتواسون، إنْ لجأ إليهم ذو حاجةٍ منهم رحموه، لم تختلف قلوبهم وإن اختلفت بهم البلدان، ثمّ قال: قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم كذب يا عليّ مَن زعم أنّه يحبّني ويبغضك.

298. عن ميسرة قال: قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام يا ميسر ألا أخبرك بشيعتنا؟ قلت بلى جعُلت فداك، قال: إنّهم حُصونٌ حَصينةٌ، في صدورٍ أمينةٍ وأحلامٍ رزينةٍ ليسوا بالمذاييع البذر ولا بالجفاة المرائين، رُهبانٌ بالليل أُسدٌ بالنهار. ]والبَذِرُ: الّذين لا يكتمون الكلام.[

299. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنّ شيعة علي خمص البطون ذبل الشفاه من الذكر.

300. عنه عليه السلام قال: إنّ أصحاب عليّ كانوا المنظور إليهم في القبائل، وكانوا أصحاب الودائع، مرضييّن عند الناس، سهّار الليل، مصابيح النهار.

301. عنه عليه السلام عن ربيعة بن ناجد قال: سمعتُ عليّا عليه السلام يقول: إنّما مَثَلُ شيعتنا مَثَلُ النَحْلة في الطير، ليس شيءٌ من الطير إلاّ وهو يستضعفها، فلو أنّ الطير تعلم ما في أجوافها من البركة لم تفعل بها ذلك.

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302- Abi Basir narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "I order you to avoid the riff-raff." He was asked who the riff-raff were. He replied: "The riff-raff are the ones who do not fear God. My followers guard their honor and watch what they eat. They serve the people for the sake of the Creator. Then whenever you see such people, know that they are my followers."

303- Abi Hatam al-Sejistani narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Those who follow us are in three groups. One group gets their respect and honor through associating themselves with us. Another group make a living through associating themselves with us. And the third group is really our followers. They work for us, and are secure if we are secure; and fear when we fear. They will not hide the truth, boast or talk in vain. They are not ostentatious. No one will look for them if they are absent, and no one will notice them if they are present. They are bright sources of guidance."

304- Foruh asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): "How do you recognize your true followers?" Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Our followers are the people who follow our way."

305- Abi Basir narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There are three groups of people. One group is our followers who belong to our nation. We belong to them, too. The second group use their association with us to show off, and the third group make a living off of us."

306- Abi Abdullah ibn Bokir narrated that Imam Kazim (a.s) said: "O' ibn Bokir! Let me tell you what my grandfather used to say. Our leader would have uprisen if there were as many fighters among you as there were in the Battle of Badr. O' Abdullah! We carefully evaluate the people, and know exactly how they are. Some people are sincere in their friendship with us and are ready to sacrifice their lives on our behalf. Some people do not whole-heartedly mean what they say. And some are our enemies' spies. They hear what we say, and become even worse than our enemies if they get greedy over the slightest worldly goods. How can they be happy with such traits? There are some who support what is right, and there are some who support what is wrong. These two groups have different paths to go.

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302. عن أبي بصير، قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إيّاك والسفلة مِن الناس، قلتُ: جعلتُ فداك وما السفلة؟ قال: مَن لا يخاف الله، إنّما شيعة جعفر مَن عفّ بطنه وفَرْجه وعمل لخالقه، وإذا رأيتَ أولئك فَهُم أصحاب جعفر.

303. وعن أبي حاتم السجستاني عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: الشيعة ثلاثة أصنافٍ: صِنفٌ يَتزيّنون بنا، وصِنفٌ يَستأكلون بنا، وصنفٌ منّا وإلينا، يأمنون بأمننا ويخافون بخوفنا، ليسوا بالبذر المُذيعين ولا بالجفاة المُرائين، إنْ غابوا لم يفقدوا، وإنْ يشهدوا لم يُؤبَه بهم، أولئك مصابيح الهُدى.

304. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام سأله فروة: بأيّ شيء يعرفون شيعتُك؟ قال: الّذين يأتونا مِن تحت أقدامنا.

305. عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: الناس طبقاتٌ ثلاثٌ: طبقةٌ منّا ونحن منهم، وطبقةٌ يتزيّنون بنا،طبقةٌ يأكل بعضهم بعضاً بنا.

306. عن أبي عبد الله بن بُكير قال: قال أبو الحسن عليه السلام يا بن بُكير، إنّي لأقول لك قولا قد كانت آبائي عليهم السلام تقوله: لو كان فيكم عدّة أهل بدرٍ لقام قائمنا، يا عبد الله إنّا نداوي الناس ونعلم ما هُم، فمنهم من يصدقنا المودّة يبذل مُهجته لنا، ومنهم مَن ليس في قلبه حقيقة ما يظهر بلسانه، ومنهم من هو عينٌ لعدوّنا علينا، يسمع حديثنا وإنْ أطمع في شيءٍ قليلٍ من الدنيا، كان أشدّ علينا مِن عدوّنا، وكيف يرون هؤلاء السرور وهذه صفتهم؟ إنّ للحقّ أهلاً وللباطل أهلاً.

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Those who support what is right are awaiting our orders, and hope that God will strengthen us. They will not hide the truth, boast or talk in vain. They will not earn a living due to their association with us, and are not greedy. They are the good members of our nation, and are like bright guiding lights in the darkness of the Earth. They are lights that shine upon sedition. They are the shining lights of guidance. They will not forbid their friends from doing good acts, and their enemies cannot be greedy of them either1. They will get pleased if they hear someone talk good about us. They will get peace of mind and their faces will light up. But if someone makes bad remarks about us, they will feel disgusted. They will shiver, and they will frown. Then they will display their support and show what lies in their hearts, and will act on behalf of us, and act according to our commands. One can notice piety in their faces. They spend their days and nights different from others. They pray and ask God to improve the affairs of the people via us, since God has established us as the means for Mercy upon the weak, and the oppressed masses. O' Abdullah! They are our followers. They belong to our party, and we belong to theirs. They are our friends."
1 Since their faith is so strong.
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فأهل الحقّ في شُغلٍ عن أهل الباطل، ينتظرون أمرنا ويرغبون إلى الله أنْ يروا دولتنا، ليسوا بالبذر المذيعين ولا بالجفاة المرائين، ولا بنا مستأكلين ولا بالطامعين، خيار الأمة، نورٌ في ظلمات الأرض، ونورٌ في ظُلُماتِ الفِتَن، ونور هدى يُستضاء بهم، لا يمنعون الخير أولياءهم، ولا يطمع فيهم أعداؤُهم، إنْ ذكرنا بالخير استبشروا وابتهجوا واطمأنّت قلوبهم وأضاءت وجوههم، وإن ذكرنا بالقُبح اشمأزّت قلوبهم واقشعرّت جلودهم وكلحت وجوههم، وأبْدَوا نُصرتهم وبدا ضمير أفئدتهم، قد شمَّروا احتذوا بحذونا وعملوا بأمرنا، تُعرف الرُهبانيّة في وجوههم، يُصبحون في غير ما الناس فيه ويُمسون في غير ما الناس فيه، يجأرون إلى الله في إصلاح الأمة بنا وأنْ يبعثنا الله رحمةً للضعفاء والعامّة، يا عبد الله، أولئك شيعتنا وأولئك منا أولئك حزبنا وأولئك أهل ولايتنا.