342- Hisham ibn Salim narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) told Hamran: "Always consider the situation of those who are lower than you are (in position), not those who are higher up than you are. This will improve your state of contentment and pleasure with what your share of daily bread is, and will also make you deserve an increase in your daily bread by God. Also beware that a little amount of constant work done with certitude is nobler near God than a lot of constant work done without certitude. Also beware that no form of piety is better than abandoning divinely forbidden acts, and abandoning gossip and the hurting of Muslims. No form of association is sweeter than one with kindness and good temper. No wealth is more useful than being content with having the minimum living needs. No ignorance is more bitter than conceit."

343- Hassan ibn Ziyad narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "When the following verse was revealed: "Nor strain thine eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to parties of them, the splendor of the life of this world." [The Holy Quran: Ta-Ha 20:131],the Prophet thought for a while, and then raised his head and said: "O' Servants of God! Whoever is not pacified with God's consolation will die while he has been constantly wishing for worldly matters. Whoever keeps an eye on what others have will constantly feel sad about (not having their wealth), and his heart ache will not be remedied. And whoever does not recognize God's blessings that are granted to him other than things to eat and wear will have a short life and an upcoming punishment."

344- Abdullah ibn San'an narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Among the signs of certitude we can mention not to please the people by raising God's anger; not to praise the people for the daily bread which God has granted to us; and not to blame the people for what God Has not granted to us. No greedy person's avarice can attract him more daily bread than his own share. And no one's displeasure can block anyone else's share of the daily bread. If anyone of you tries to escape from his daily bread as you do from your death, the daily bread will find him, just as death will."

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342. عن هِشام بن سالم قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول لحمران: أُنظر إلى مَن هو دونك ولا تَنظر إلى مَن هو فوقك، فإنّ ذلك أقنع بما قُسّم لك وأحرى أن تستوجب الزيادة مِن الله، وأعلم أنّ العمل الدائم القليل على اليقين أفضل عند الله مِن العمل الدائم الكثير على غير يقينٍ، واعلم أنّه لا ورع أنفع مِن اجتناب محارم الله والكفّ عن أذى المسلمين واغتيابهم، ولا عيش أهنأ مِن حُسن الخُلق، ولا مال أنفع مِن القنوع باليسير المجزي، ولا جهل أمرّ مِن العُجْب.

343. عن حسن بن زياد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لمّا نزلت هذه الآية: ]لا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إلَى ما مَتَّعْنا بِه أَزْواجا مِنْهُمْ زَهْرَةَ الْحَياةِ الْدُّنيا[ أطرق رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم طويلاً، ثمّ رفع رأسه فقال: عباد الله مَن لم يتعزّ بعزاء الله انقطعت نفسه عن الدنيا حسراتٍ، ومَن نظر إلى ما في أيدي الناس فقد كثر همّه ولم يشف غليل صدره، ومَن لم يرَ الله عليه نعمةً إلا في مطعمٍ أو في ملبسٍ فقد قصر أجله ودنا عذابه.

344. عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إنّ من اليقين أنْ لا تُرضُوا الناس بسخط الله، ولا تَحْمِدوهم على رزق الله، ولا تذمّوهم على ما لم يؤتكم الله، فإنّ الرزق لا يسوقه حِرصُ حريصٍ، ولا تردّه كراهة كارهٍ، ولو أنّ أحدكُم فرّ مِن رزقه كما يفرّ مِن الموت، لأدركه كما يُدركه الموت.

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He then added: “God Has made comfort and convenience subject to and conditional upon certitude, contentment and pleasure (with His divinely determined destiny), and has established sadness and sorrow in doubt and anger due to His Justice and Equity.”

345- Sa'd ibn Khalaf narrated that Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “Obligatory prayers are as sweet smelling as a freshly cut branch of a green tree when they are performed on time. One picks from a tree when it is fresh, pure and good smelling. Therefore I advise you to perform your prayers on time.”

346- Ibn Abi Ya'fur narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Whenever you want to perform your obligatory prayers, perform them on time, and do it like one who is doing his last prayer and is worried that he will not be able to pray again. Turn your eyes to the location of your prostration. You would perform your prayers well when you know who is on your right side and on your left side. Know that you are praying in the presence of One who sees you but you cannot see Him.”

347- Ala ibn Salih narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Treat the people justly, and help them with your property. Be pleased for them with what you are pleased with for yourself. Remember God often.”

348- Abi Hamzeh narrated that Imam Sajjad (a.s) said: “The dearest of you near God is the one whose deeds are the best. Those of you who are more inclined towards God will get more rewards from God. Those of you who fear God the most will be freed from divine punishment sooner. And the noblest one of you near God is the most pious one.”

349- Abi al-Samet al-Kholani narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said that once he was with his father and they were passing by some Shiites who were in between the grave and the pulpit. He asked his father if they were his followers. His father asked him where they were. When he told him where they were, his father suggested to go and talk to them. Then they went to see the people and his father greeted them and said: “I like your good smell and your breath. Please help me with

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ثمّ قال: إنّ الله لِعدله وقسطه جعل الروح والفَرَج في اليقين والرضا، وجعل الهَمّ والحُزن في الشكّ والسخط.

345. عن سعد بن خلف قال: قال موسى بن جعفر عليهما السلام : والصلواتُ المفروضاتُ في أوّل وقتها إذا أُقيمت حدودها أطيب ريحا مِن قضيب الآس؛ يُؤخَذ مِن شجرةٍ في طراوته وطيبه وريحه، فعليكم بالوقت الأوّل.

346. عن ابن أبي يعفور قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إذا صلّيتَ صلاةً فريضةً فصلّها في وقتها صلاةَ مودّع تخاف أن لا ترجع إليها، ثمّ اصرف بَصَرك إلى موضع سجودك، فلو تعلم مَن عن يمينك ويسارك لأحسنتَ الصلاة، واعلم أنّك قُدّام مَن يراك ولا تراه.

347. عن علاء بن صالح قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام أنصِف الناس مِن نفسِك، وواسهم مِن مالك، وارض لهم بما ترضى لنفسك، واذكر الله كثيراً.

348. عن أبي حمزة قال: سمعتُ عليّ بن الحسين عليهما السلام يقول: إنّ أحبّكم إلى الله أحسنكم عملاً، وإنّ أعظمكم عند الله حظّاً أعظمكم رغبةً إلىَ الله، وإنّ أنجاكم مِن عذاب الله أشدّكم لله خشيةً، وإنّ أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم.

349. عن أبي الصامت الخولاني عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: مررتُ أنا وأبي علَى الشيعة وهُم ما بين القبر والمنبر، فقلتُ لأبي جعفر عليه السلام مَواليك جعلني الله فداك، قال: وأينَ تراهم؟ فقلتُ: أراهم ما بين القبر والمنبر، فقال: اذهب بي إليهم، فذهبنا فسلّم عليهم، ثمّ قال: إنّي لأُحبّ ريحكم وأرواحكم فأعينوني

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your piety and struggle in worshipping since there is no other way to reach God. I swear by God that you have the same religion that I have, my fathers, and my grandfather had, i.e. the religion of Abraham, Ishmael and Issac.”

350- Zavareh said that he was accompanying Imam Baqir (a.s) once when they were escorting the body of a dead person in a funeral procession. A man called Ata was also escorting in the funeral procession. A woman started crying and Ata asked her if she would calm down or not. He said that he would quit following the procession if she did not stop crying. Ata left the funeral ceremony since that woman did not calm down. Zavareh informed the Imam (a.s) that Ata left. The Imam (a.s) asked the reason. He said it was because of a woman crying. Ata asked if she would calm down lest he would leave. The woman did not calm down and Ata left the funeral procession. Zavareh informed the Imam (a.s) that Ata had left. The Imam (a.s) said: “Let's continue. We cannot quit doing what is right because we see something that is wrong is being done. If so, we have not done what Muslims should do.” After Imam Baqir (a.s) performed the prayers over the body of the dead man, the family of the dead man thanked him and asked him to return because it was hard for him to continue walking. However, the Imam (a.s) did not agree to return. Then Zavareh asked the Imam (a.s): “Why did you not return even though they gave permission?” Imam Baqir (a.s) replied: “Let's continue. We did not come here with their permission, and do not need their permission to return. This is done for its divine reward, and God will only reward us for as much as we do.”

351- Abi Basir narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: “A man went to see the Prophet (a.s) and said: O' Muhammad! What do you invite the people to?” The Prophet (a.s) said: “My followers and I knowingly invite the people to God. I invite you to One who will remove your difficulties from you when you call Him during times of hardship, or sorrow; One who will provide for your needs when you get poor, and will guide you safely out of the desert should you get lost there.” The man said: O' Muhammad! Please give me some advice.” The Prophet (a.s) said: “Do not get angry.”

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على ما أنتم عليه بالورع والاجتهاد، فإنّه لا ينال ما عند الله إلا بالورع والاجتهاد، والله إنّكم على ديني ودين آبائي إبراهيم وإسماعيل وإسحاق.

350. عن زرارة قال: إنّ أبا جعفر عليه السلام شيّع جنازةً بالمدينة لرجلٍ مِن قُريش وأنا معه وفيها عطاءٌ فصرخت صارخة، فقال لها عطاء: لتسكتنّ أو لأرجعنّ فلم تسكت فرجع، فقلتُ: قد رجع عطاء، فقال: ولِمَ فعل؟ قلت: لأنّ صارخةٌ صرخت، فقال: لتسكتنّ أو لأرجعنّ، فلم تسكت فرجع، فقال: امض بنا، فلو أنّا إذا رأينا شيئاً مِن الباطل مع الحقّ تركنا الحقّ له لم نقض حقّ مسلم، فلمّا صلّى على الجنازة قال وليُّها له: ارجع – رحمك الله - فإنّك لا تَقوى علىَ المشي؛ فأبى ولم يرجع، فقلت له: إنّه أذِنَ لك في الرجوع ولي حاجةٌ أُريد أنْ أسألك عنها، فقال: امض فليس بإذِنه جئنا ولا بإذنه نرجع، إنّما هو فضلٌ وأجرٌ طلبناه، فبقدر ما يتّبع الرجل الجنازة يؤجر على ذلك.

351. عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: أتى رجل النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم فقال: إلى ما تدعو يا محمّد؟ فقال: أدعو إلىَ الله على بصيرةٍ أنا ومَن اتّبعني، وأدعوك إلى مَن إنْ أصابك ضرٌّ فدعوته كشفه عنك، وإنْ استعنت به وأنت مقهورٌ أعانك، وإنْ سألته وأنت مقلٌّ أغناك، وإنْ ضللتَ في فلاةِ الأرض أرشدك، فقال له: أوصني يا محمّد، فقال: لا تغضب.

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He asked for more advice. The Prophet (a.s) said: “Like for others what you like for yourself.” He asked for more advice. The Prophet (a.s) said: “Do not swear at people, since then they will become your enemies.” He asked for more advice. The Prophet (a.s) said: “Do not abandon doing good deeds for those who need you.” He asked for more advice. The Prophet (a.s) said: “Love the people so that they love you. Serve some water for your brethren to drink. Treat them with kindness and good temper. Do not be impatient since then you will lose this world and the Hereafter. Put on proper trousers and do not unbutton your shirts since this is a form of haughtiness, and God does not like a haughty person.”

352- Abi Basir narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: “A believer will be in prosperity and will benefit from having hope of God's Mercy and Kindness unless he rushes and loses hope and stops his supplications.” They asked him how he would rush. He replied: “Whenever he says he prayed from such and such a date and did not see God answer his prayer.”

353- Al-Hassan ibn Salih narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Whoever performs ablution properly, and performs two units of prayers, and after completing his bowing down and prostration sits down and praises God, and sends blessings on the Prophet (a.s), and then asks God what he wants, has indeed requested the good from the proper source. Whoever requests the good from its proper source will not be sorry.”

354- Habib narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: “God the Almighty has established the angels as guards for plants on the Earth such as fruit trees and palm trees. There are no fruit trees or palm trees for which there is no appointed guardian angel when it is about to bear fruit. If there were no guardian angels with them to protect them, then the insects and the wild animals would destroy the tree. That is why the Prophet of God (a.s) has ordered his followers not to build a toilet under fruit or palm trees, since their appointed guarding angels reside there. He also said that the fruit or palm trees that have produced fruits are respectable like the people, because the angels are present there.”

355- Abdullah ibn Sanan said: I asked Imam Sadiq (a.s) about the judges who get their wages from the kings. He replied: That is unlawful.”

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قال: زِدني، قال: ارض مِن الناس بما ترضى لهم مِن نفسك، قال: زِدني، قال: لا تسبُّ الناس فتكتسب العداوة منهم، قال: زِدني، قال: لا تزهد في المعروف عند أهله، قال: زدني، قال: تحبّب إلى الناس يحبّوك، وإنْ استسقى أخوك مِن دلوك فصبّ له، وألق أخاك بوجهٍ منبسطٍ إليه، ولا تضجر فيمنعك الضجر مِن حظّك للآخرة والدنيا، وأبرز إلى نصف الساق، وإيّاك وإسبال الإزار فإنّ ذلك مِن الخيلاء والله لا يحبّ الخيلاء.

352. عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام لا يزال المؤمن بخيرٍ ورجاءٍ ورحمةٍ مِن الله ما لم يستعجل فيقنط فيترك الدعاء، فقيل له: كيف يستعجل؟ قال: يقول، قد دعوتُ منذ كذا وكذا ولا أرى الإجابة.

353. عن الحسن بن صالح قال: سمعتُ أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: مَن توضّأ فأوسع الوضوء ثمّ صلّى ركعتين فأتمّ رُكوعهما وسُجودهما، ثمّ جلس فأثنى على الله وصلّى على رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم ثمّ سأل الله حاجته فقد طلب الخير في مظانّه، ومَن طلب الخير في مظانّه لم يخيب.

354. عن حبيب قال: سمعتُ أبا جعفر عليه السلام يقول: إنّ لله ملائكةً وكّلهم بنبات الأرض مِن الشجر والنخل، فليس مِن نخلةٍ ولا شجرةٍ إلا ومعها مَلَك مِن قِبَل الله يحفظها إذا كان فيها ثمرها، ولو لا أنّ معها مَن يحفظها لأكلتها السباع وهَوام الأرض، وإنّما نهى رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم أنْ يضرب أحدٌ من الناس خلاءه تحت شجرةٍ أو نخلةٍ قد أثمرت لمكان الملائكة الموكَّلين بها، قال: وإنّما يكون الشجر والنخل إنساً إذا كان فيه حمله لأنّ الملائكة تحضره.

355. عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: سألتُ أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن قاضٍ يأخذ مِن السلطان على القضاء الرزق، قال: ذلك السُحت.

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Chapter 4

On Shiite's Position Near God and their Rights

356- In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “There are seven rights for any believer that are incumbent upon other believers to honor. All seven are obligatory. If you do not honor any of these rights, you have left the domain of divine friendship, and God's obedience.” He was asked what these seven rights were. He replied: “The simplest right is that you should like for them what you like for yourself, and dislike for them what you dislike for yourself. The second right is that you must assist them in fulfilling their needs, please them and not oppose what they say. The third right is that you must use your soul, wealth, tongue, hands and feet to assist them. The fourth right is that you must be like their eyes, their guide, their mirror, and their clothing. The sixth right is that if you have a wife and a servant, and your brother does not, you must send your servant to his house to wash his clothes, prepare his food and make ready his bed. These are all established duties between you and him. The seventh right is that you must accept his oath and his invitation. You must attend his burial ceremonies. You should go to visit him if he gets ill, and make all efforts to fulfill his needs. You should not let him beg you for help, but immediately fulfill his needs. Once you do this, you have tied his friendship and yours together, and have tied your friendship to the Almighty God's friendship.”

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الفصل الرابع

في منزلة الشيعة عند الله وحقوقهم وما يجب أنْ يكونوا عليه

356. من كتاب روضة الواعظين: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام للمؤمن على المؤمن سبعة حقوقٍ واجباتٍ، ما فيها حقٌّ إلا وعليه واجبٌ، إنْ خالفه خرج مِن ولاية الله وترك طاعته، ولم يكن للهI فيه نصيبٌ، قلتُ: جعلتُ فداك حدّثني ما هي؟ قال: أيسر حقٍّ منها؛ أنْ يحبَّ له ما يحبّ لنفسه ويكره له ما يكره لنفسه، والحقّ الثاني؛ أنْ يمشي في حاجته ويبتغي رضاه ولا يخالف قوله، والحقّ الثالث، أنْ تصله بنفسك ومالِك ويدك ورِجْلك ولسانك، والحقّ الرابع؛ أنْ تكون عينه ودليله ومرآته وقميصه، والحقّ الخامس؛ أنْ لا تشبع ويجوع ولا تلبس ويعرى ولا تروى ويظمأ، والحقّ السادس؛ أنْ تكون لك امرأةٌ وخادمٌ وليس لأخيك امرأة ولا خادمٌ، أن تبعث خادمك فيغسل ثيابه ويصنع طعامه ويمهّد فراشه، فإنّ ذلك كلّه إنّما جُعل بينك وبينه، والحقّ السابع؛ أنْ تبرّ قسمه وتجيب دعوته وتشهد جنازته وتعوده في مرضه وتشخص ببدنك في قضاء حاجته، ولا تحوجه إلى أنْ يسألك ولكن تُبادر إلى قضاء حوائجه، فإذا فعلتَ ذلك به وصلتَ ولايته بولايتك وولايتك بولاية الله I.

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357- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “A believer should have eight traits:
(1) He should maintain his dignity when calamities befall him, (2) he should be patient when he is in trouble, (3) he should be grateful when he has plenty of blessings, (4) he should be content with his share of God-given daily bread, (5) he should not be oppressive with his enemies, (6) he should not be a burden on his friends, (7) he should use his body (to perform his duties), and (8) the people should be safe from him. Knowledge is like a believer's friend, patience is like his prime minister, and perseverance is like the head of his army. Kindness is like his brother, and gentleness is like his father.”

358- God's Prophet (a.s) said: “God the Almighty has made seven rights for each believer incumbent upon any other believer: “(1) He must honor him in his view. (2) He must love him wholeheartedly. (3) He must help him. (4) He should consider gossiping behind him to be divinely forbidden. (5) He should visit him when he gets ill. (6) He should attend and escort his funeral procession. (7) He should only speak good of him after his death.”

359- The Prophet (a.s) said: “A believer is one who gets upset when someone commits a sin, and gets happy when someone performs a good deed.”

360- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Providing for the needs of a believer is better than one thousand fully-accepted pilgrimages, freeing a thousand slaves for God's sake, and donating one thousand fully-equipped horses in the way of God.” He also said: “Whoever sees his friend involved in an evil act and can but does not instruct him to stop doing so is treacherous to his friend. Whoever does not stop associating with a fool will soon become like him.”

361- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “There are always four problems that a believer faces: (1) A neighbor to bother him; (2) A Satan to try to deviate him; (3) A hypocrite to always follow him, and (4) A jealous believer.” The Imam (a.s) was asked: “A jealous believer?” He replied: “A jealous believer is the worst problem he is faced with.” He was asked how. Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: Because a jealous believer will say bad things about him, and others will believe him.

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357. وقال عليه السلام ينبغي للمؤمن أنْ يكون فيه ثمانُ خصالٍ: وقورٌ عند الهزاهز صبورٌ عند البلاء، شكورٌ عند الرخاء، قانعٌ بما رزقه الله، لا يظلم الأعداء، ولا يتحامل للأصدقاء، بدنه منه في تعبٍ، والناس منه في راحةٍ، إنّ العلم خليلُ المؤمن، والحِلم وزيره، والصبر أمير جنوده، والرفق أخوه، واللين والده.

358. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم للمؤمن على المؤمن سبعة حقوقٍ واجبةٍ من الله تعالى: الإجلال له في عينه، والودّ له في صدره، والمواساة له في ماله، وأنْ يحرم غيبته، وأنْ يعوده في مرضه، وأنْ يشيّع جنازته، وأنْ لا يقول فيه بعد موته إلا خيراً.

359. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم مَن ساءته سيّئةٌ وسرّته حسنةٌ فهو مؤمنٌ.

360. قال الصادق عليه السلام قضاء حاجة المؤمن أفضل مِن ألف حجّةٍ متقبّلةٍ بمناسكها، وعتق ألف رقبةٍ لوجه الله، وحملان ألف فرسٍ في سبيل الله بسرجها ولجمها. وقال عليه السلام مَن رأى أخاه على أمرٍ يكرهه ولم يردعه عنه وهو يقدر عليه فقد خانه، ومَن لم يجتنب مصادقة الأحمق يوشك أنْ يتخلّق بأخلاقه.

361. وقال عليه السلام لا ينفكّ المؤمن مِن خصالٍ أربعٍ: مِن جارٍ يؤذيه، وشيطانٍ يُغويه، ومنافقٍ يقفو إثره، ومؤمنٍ يحسده. قال سماعة: قلتُ: جعلتُ فداك مؤمنٌ يحسده! قال: يا سماعة، أما أنّه أشهدهم عليه، قلتُ: وكيف ذلك؟ قال: لأنّه يقول القول فيصدق عليه.

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362- God's Prophet (a.s) said: “God will not punish the people of a town in which there are one hundred believers. God will not punish the people of a village in which there are fifty believers. God will not punish the people of a small village in which there are ten believers. God will not punish the people of a small village in which there are five believers. God will not even punish the people of a small village in which there is just one believer.”

363- It has been narrated that God's Prophet (a.s) faced the Ka'ba and said: “Bravo to this house. What has increased your status and your respect in the sight of God? I swear to God that a believer is more respected in God's sight than you are since God has only forbidden one thing regarding you, but has forbidden three things regarding a believer: taking his property, shedding his blood, and having being suspicion about him.”

364- God's Prophet (a.s) said: “Whoever disturbs a believer has disturbed me, and whoever bothers me has bothered God the Almighty. And whoever bothers God is damned by the Torah, the Gospel, the Book of the Psalms of David, and the Quran.”

365- God's Prophet (a.s) said: “The similitude of a believer is like that of the nearby-stationed angel. A believer's respect near God is very high. He is even nobler to Him than the nearby-stationed angel. Nothing is more loved by God than a repenting man or woman. A believer is as well known in the heavens above as a man is known to his wife and children.”

366- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Our Shiites are three groups of people: real friends of ours who are really from us; those who use us and their association with us to preserve their honor; and those who use us to earn a living. Whoever uses us to earn a living shall become poor.”

367- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Our followers will be tested in three situations: On how they guard their prayers; and on how they guard the secrets of our followers from our enemies; and on how they use their wealth and property to help their (religious) brethren.”

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362. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم لا يعذّب الله أهل قريةٍ وفيها مائةٌ مِن المؤمنين، لا يعذّب الله أهل قريةٍ وفيها خمسون مِن المؤمنين، لا يعذّب الله أهل قريةٍ وفيها عشرةٌ مِن المؤمنين، لا يعذّب الله أهل قريةٍ وفيها خمسةٌ من المؤمنين، لا يعذّب الله أهل قريةٍ وفيها رجلٌ واحدٌ مِن المؤمنين.

363. روي أنّ رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم نظر إلى الكعبة وقال: مرحبا بالبيت، ما أعظمك وما أعظم حرمتك على الله! والله للمؤمن أعظم حرمةً منك لأنّ الله حرّم منك واحدةً ومِن المؤمن ثلاثةً: مالَه، ودَمه، وأنْ يظنّ به ظنّ السوء.

364. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم أيضا: مَن آذى مؤمنا فقد آذاني، ومَن آذاني فقد آذى اللهسبحانه و تعاليومَن آذى الله فهو ملعونٌ في التوراة والإنجيل والزبور والفرقان.

365. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم مَثَلُ المؤمن كَمَثَلِ مَلَكٍ مُقرَّبٍ، وأنّ المؤمن أعظم حرمةً عند الله وأكرم عليه مِن مَلَكٍ مُقَرَّبٍ، وليس شيءٌ أحبّ إلى الله مِن مؤمنٍ تائبٍ ومؤمنةٍ تائبةٍ، وأنّ المؤمن يُعرفَ في السماء كما يَعرِف الرجل أهله وولده.

366. قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام الشيعة ثلاثةٌ: محبٌّ وادٍ فهو منّا، ومتزيّنٌ بنا ونحن زينٌ لِمَن تزيّن بنا، ومستأكلٌ بنا الناس ومَن استأكل بنا افتقر.

367. وعنه عليه السلام امتحنوا شيعتنا عند ثلاثٍ: عند مواقيت الصلاة كيف محافظتهم عليها، وعند أسرارهم كيف حفظهم لها عن عدّونا، وإلى أموالهم كيف مواساتهم لإخوانهم فيها.

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368- God's Prophet (a.s) said: “O' Ali! Give good tidings of ten traits to your helpers and followers:
1- Being born legitimately
2- Good belief in God
3- The Almighty God's love for them
4- Ease and comfort in their grave
5- A bright light illuminating their path when they want to pass the road to the Hereafter
6- Elimination of poverty from their sight and their hearts
7- God's animosity with their enemies
8- Immunity from leprosy
9- Shedding of sins and the wickedness
10- They shall be with me in Heaven, and I shall be with them.”

369- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: “Ali's followers look pale, slim, and thirsty. Their lips are dry. Their color is changing. Their face is yellow. At night they sleep on the ground, and prostrate on dirt. They prostrate a lot, shed tears and pray often. The people are happy but they are sad.”

370- Imam Baqir (a.s) said that God's Prophet (a.s) was asked about the believers. He said: “Believers will get happy whenever they perform a good deed, and ask for God's forgiveness whenever they do a wicked act. They will be grateful whenever they are granted something. They will be patient when they are in trouble, and will forgive whenever they are angry.”

371- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: “Even if I hit a believer's nose with my sword in order to make him my enemy, he will not become my enemy. Also even if I bestow the whole universe to a hypocrite to make him like me, he will not like me. This is because of God's words that were expressed by the illiterate Prophet: O' Ali! No believer will ever become your enemy, and no hypocrite will ever become your friend.”

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368. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم يا عليّ، بَشِّر شيعتك وأنصارك بخصالٍ عشرٍ: أوّلها طِيب المولد، وثانيها حُسن إيمانهم بالله، وثالثها حُبّ اللهسبحانه و تعاليلهم، ورابعها الفُسحة في قبورهم، وخامسها النور على الصراط بين أعينهم، وسادسها نزع الفقر مِن بين أعينهم وعن قلوبهم، وسابعها المقت مِن اللهسبحانه و تعاليلأعدائهم، وثامنها الأمن من الجذام، يا عليّ وتاسعها انحطاط الذنوب والسيّئات عنهم، وعاشرها هُم معي في الجنّة وأنا معهم.

369. قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام إنّما شيعةُ عليٍّ الشاحبون الناحلون الذابلون، ذابلةٌ شفاههم، خميصةٌ بطونهم، متغيّرةٌ ألوانهم، مصفرّةٌ وجوههم، إذا جنّ الليل اتّخذوا الأرض فراشا واستقبلوا الأرض بجباههم، كثيرٌ سجودهم، كثيرةٌ دُموعهم، كثيرٌ دعاؤهم، كثيرٌ بكاؤهم، يفرح الناس وهم محزونون.

370. قال الباقر عليه السلام سُئل رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم عنهم فقال: إذا أحسنوا استبشروا، وإذا أساؤوا استغفروا، وإذا أُعطوا شكروا، وإذا ابتلوا صبروا، وإذا غضبوا غفروا.

371. وقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام لو ضربت خيشوم المؤمن بسيفي هذا على أنْ يبغضني ما أبغضني، ولو صببت الدنيا بجملتها على المنافق على أنْ يحبّني ما أحبّني، وذلك أنّه قضي فانقضى على لسان النبيّ الأُمّي أنّه قال: يا عليّ لا يُبغضك مؤمنٌ ولا يُحبّك منافقٌ.

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372- Imam Sajjad (a.s) said: “Whenever our leader comes to rule the world, God will remove all illnesses from our followers. God will turn their hearts into a piece of iron, and God will strengthen each one of them to be as strong as forty men. They shall be the rulers on the Earth, and will be the outstanding people.”

373- God's Prophet (a.s) told Ali (a.s): “O' Ali! Your followers will be prosperous on the Resurrection Day. Whoever insults one of your followers has indeed insulted you. Whoever insults you, has indeed insulted me. God will take whoever insults me into the Fire of Hell.” Then he added: “Indeed what a severe punishment! O' Ali! You are from me, and I am from you. Your spirit is from my spirit, and your constitution is of my constitution. Your followers are also built from our excess constitution. Whoever likes them really likes us, and whoever hates them really hates us. Whoever is their enemy is really our enemy, and whoever treats them with kindness has really treated us with kindness. O' Ali! All your followers' sins as well as all their flaws have been forgiven. O' Ali! Give your followers the good tidings that I will intercede on their behalf when I am raised up in the position of Mahmood1. O' Ali! Know that your followers are the followers of God, your helpers are the helpers of God, your friends are the friends of God, and your party is the party of God. Whoever is your friend is prosperous, and whoever is your enemy is ill fortuned. O' Ali! You have a treasure in Heaven, and are the owner of Heaven.”

374- God's Prophet (a.s) said: “On the Resurrection Day, God the Almighty will resurrect some people with shining faces, sitting on shining couches, and dressed in light in the shade of the Throne. They are in the position of the Prophets, even though they are not Prophets. They are in the ranks of the martyrs, even though they are not of the martyrs.” A man asked: “O' Prophet of God! Am I one of them?” He replied: “No.” Another man asked: O' Prophet of God! Am I one of them?” He replied: “No.” Then the people asked: “O' Prophet of God! Then who are they?” The Prophet (a.s) then placed his hand over (Imam) Ali's (a.s) head and said: “This man and his followers.”
1 Translators' note: i.e. the Praised One
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372. قال عليّ بن الحسين عليه السلام إذا قام قائمنا أذهب الله عن شيعتنا العاهة وجعل قلوبهم كزُبُر الحديد، وجعل قوّة الرجل منهم قوّة أربعين رجلاً، ويكونون حُكّام الأرض وسنامها.

373. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم لعليٍّ عليه السلام يا عليّ، شيعتك هم الفائزون يوم القيامة، فمَن أهان واحدا منهم فقد أهانك، ومَن أهانك فقد أهانني، ومَن أهانني أدخله الله نار جنّهم وبئس المصير، يا عليّ! أنتَ مِنّي وأنا منك، روحك مِن روحي، وطينتك مِن طينتي، وشيعتك خُلقوا مِن فضل طينتنا، فمَن أحبّهم فقد أحبّنا، ومَن أبغضهم فقد أبغضنا، ومَن عاداهم فقد عادانا، ومَن ودّهم فقد ودّنا، يا عليّ! شيعتك مغفورٌ لهم على ما كانوا مِن ذنوبٍ وعيوبٍ، يا عليّ! أنا الشفيع لشيعتك غدا إذا قمتَ المقام المحمود فبشّرهم بذلك، يا عليّ! شيعتك شيعة الله وأنصارك أنصار الله وأولياؤك أولياء الله وحِزبك حزب الله، سعد مَن تولّاك وشقي مَن عاداك، يا عليّ! لك كنزٌ في الجنّة وأنت ذو قرنيها.

374. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم إنّ الله تبارك وتعالى يبعث أُناساً وجوههم من نورٍ على كرسيٍ من نورٍ، عليهم ثيابٌ مِن نورٍ في ظلّ العرش، بمنزلة الأنبياء وليسوا بالأنبياء، بمنزلة الشهداء وليسوا بالشهداء، فقال رجلٌ: أنا منهم يا رسول الله؟ قال: لا، قال الآخر: أنا منهم يا رسول الله؟ قال لا، قيل: مَن هُم يا رسول الله؟ قال: فوضع يده على رأس عليٍّ وقال: هذا وشيعته.