1493- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "God has not distributed anything better than intelligence among his servants. the sleeping of an intelligent person is better than a foolish person's being awake. God perfected the intellect of anyone He appointed as a Prophet, in such way that he was the most intelligent person in his nation, even though there might have been ones who tried harder than him to worship God."

1494- People were talking about the wealth of the Syrians and the poverty of the Iraqis in the presence of Ameer al-Momineen (a.s). He said: "Do you not know that one's intelligence is also counted as a part of his daily bread?"

1495- In Al-Zuhd it has been narrated that either Imam Baqir (a.s) or Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "When God created the intellect, He said: "Come forward." It came forward. Then God said: "Go back." Then the intellect went back. Then God said: "I swear by My Majesty and Honor that I have not created any creature better than you. I will question through you, I will forgive through you, and I will reward through you."

1496- Imam Kazim (a.s) said: "God created the intellect, then He said: "Come forward, and go back." It came forward and went back. Then God said: "I swear by My Majesty and Honor that I have not created anything better and dearer than you. I will question through you, and I will forgive through you."

1497- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Man's pillar is the intellect. Wisdom, understanding and knowledge are all rooted in the intellect, and are perfected by it. The intellect is man's guide, vision and key to his affairs. When man's intellect is certified by divine light, he will become understanding, wise, (a mental), guardian (of the Quran), and knowledgeable. Then he will know where he is, what he is and why he is there. He will know his friends and his enemies. Then he will know the way to live, to arrive and depart. He will sincerely confess to the unity of God and obey Him. Then he can make up for what is lost, and be in control of the future. He will know his position, why he is where he is, and where he has come from, and to where he is going. All these are certified by the intellect."

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1493. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: ما قَسّم الله للعباد بشيءٍ أفضل من العقل، نومُ العاقل أفضل من سهر الأحمق، وما بعث الله نبيّاً ولا رسولاً حتّى يَستكمل العقل، وكان عقله أفضل من عقل جميع أُمّته، وعسى أن يكون في أُمّته مَن هو أشدّ اجتهاداً منه.

1494. ذكر بين يدي أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ثروة أهل الشام وفقر أهل العراق، فقال: أما علمتُم أنّ عقل الرجل محسوبٌ عليه مِن رِزقه؟

1495. من كتاب الزهد: عن محمّد بن مسلم عن أحدهما عليهما السلام قال: لمّا خلق الله العقل قال له: أدبِر فأدبر، ثمّ قال له: أقِبل فأقبل، فقال: فوعزِّتي ما خلقتُ خَلقاً هو أحسن منك، إيّاك آمر وإيّاك أنهى، وإيّاك أُعاقب وإيّاك أُثيب.

1496. قال أبو الحسن عليه السلام إنّ الله خلق العقل، فقال له: أقبِل وأدبِر، فأقبلَ وأدبَر، فقال: وعزّتي ما خلقتُ شيئاً أحسن منك وأحبُّ إليَّ منك، بِك آخُذُ وبك أُعطي.

1497. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: دَعامة إنسان العقل، ومنه الفطنة والفهم والحفظ والعلم، وبالعقل يكمل وهو دليله ومُبصره ومفتاح أمره، فإذا كان تأييد عقله مِن النور كان عالماً حافظاً زاكياً فَطِناً فَهِماً، فعَلم بذلك كيف ولِمَ وحيثُ، وعرف مَن نَصَحه ومَن غَشّه، فإذا عرف ذلك عرف مجراه ومَوْصوله ومَفصوله وأخلص له الوَحدانيّة لله والإقرار بالطاعة، فإذا فَعل ذلك كان مُستدركاً لِما فات، وارداً على ما هو آتٍ فعرف ما هو فيه، ولأيّ شيءٍ هو هاهنا، ومِن أين يأتي وإلى ما هو صائر، وذلك كلّه مِن تأييد العقل.

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1498- In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Soma'at ibn Mehran narrated that he and some friends of Imam Sadiq (a.s) were with Imam Sadiq (a.s) once when they started to talk about intelligence and ignorance. Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Get to know intelligence and its troops and ignorance and its troops to be guided." Soma'at said: "O! May I be your devoted servant. We know nothing except for what you teach us." Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God, Exalted is His Praise created the intellect. It was one of His first creatures which He created using His own light from the right side of the Throne. He then ordered it to go back, and it did. He then ordered it to come forward, and it did. God said: "I created you as a great creature, and honored you above all My creatures." Then God created ignorance and told it to go back and it did. Then God ordered it to come forward, but it did not accept. God said: "You rebelled." Then God cursed it. God then established seventy-five troops for the intellect. When ignorance saw God's grant to the intellect, it became its enemy and said: "O' God! You created it and honored it and strengthened it. It is a creature like me. I am opposed to it and have no power over it. So please grant me of the troops you grant it." God said: "OK I will, but if you disobey I will throw you and your troops out of the domain of My Mercy." It said it was pleased, and it was also granted seventy-five troops. The seventy five troops are as follows: Goodness is the minister for the intellect and evil is the minister for ignorance; faith for the intellect and infidelity for ignorance; acceptance for the intellect and rejection for ignorance; hope for the intellect and despair for ignorance; justice for the intellect and oppression for ignorance; contentment for the intellect and discontent for ignorance; gratitude for the intellect and ingratitude for ignorance; lack of hope (in God's Mercy) for the intellect and greed (in God's Mercy) for ignorance; reliance on God for intellect and greed for ignorance; kindness for the intellect and ruthlessness for ignorance; mercy for the intellect and anger for ignorance; knowledge for the intellect and ignorance for ignorance; understanding for the intellect and stupidity for ignorance; chastity for the intellect and vulgarity for ignorance; abstinence for the intellect and materialism for ignorance; kindness for the intellect and violence for ignorance; solemnity for the intellect, and insolence for ignorance;

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1498. من كتاب المحاسن: عن سُماعة بن مهران قال: كنتُ عند أبي عبد الله عليه السلام وعنده عِدّةٌ من مَواليه، فجرى ذِكر العقل والجهل، فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام اعرفوا العقل وجُنده والجهل وجُنده تَهتدوا، قال سُماعة: فقلتُ: جُعلتُ فِداك لا نَعرفُ إلا ما عرّفتنا، فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إنّ الله جلّ ثناؤه خَلق العقل وهو أوّل خلقٍ خلقه من الروحانييّن عن يمين العرش من نوره، فقال له: أدبِر فأدبر، ثمّ قال له: أقبل فأقبل، فقال الله سبحانه و تعالي له: خلقتُك خلقاً عظيماً وكرّمتك على جميع خلقي. قال: ثمّ خلق الجهل، فقال له: أدبر فأدبر، ثمّ قال له: أقبِل، فلم يقبل، فقال الله له: استكبرت فلعنه، ثمّ جعل للعقل خمسة وسبعين جُنداً، فلمّا رأى الجهل ما أكرم الله به العقل وما أعطاه الله أضمر له العداوة، فقال الجهل: يا ربِّ! هذا خلقٌ مثلي خلقته وكرّمته وقوّيته وأنا ضدّه ولا قوّة لي به، فاعطني من الجند مثل ما أعطيته، فقال: نعم، فإن عصيت بعد ذلك أخرجتك وجندك من رحمتي، قال: قد رضيت، فأعطاه خمسة وسبعين جنداً. فكان ممّا أعطى الله العقل مِن الخمسة والسبعين الجُند: الخيرُ وهو وزيرُ العقل، وجعل ضدّه الشرّ وهو وزيرُ الجهل، والإيمان وضدّه الكُفر، والتصديق وضدّه الجحود، والرجاء وضدّه القنوط، والعدل وضدّه الجور، والرضا وضدّه السخط، والشكر وضدّه الكفران، واليأس وضدّه الطمع، والتوكّل وضـدّه الحـرص، والـرأفـة وضـدّهـا الـقَـسـوة، والـرحمـة وضدّها الغضب، والعـلـم وضـدّه الجـهـل، والـفـهـم وضـدّه الحمق، والعِفّة وضدّها التهتّك، والـزهـد وضـدّه الـرغـبـة، والـرفـق وضـدّه الخـرق، والـرهـبـة وضـدّهــــــا الجـرأة

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humbleness for the intellect, and haughtiness for ignorance; calm for the intellect, and rush for ignorance; patience for the intellect, and being feeble-minded for ignorance; silence for the intellect, and being talkative for ignorance; compliance for the intellect, and conceit for ignorance; submission for the intellect, and being oppressive for ignorance; forgiveness for the intellect, and animosity for ignorance; amiability for the intellect, and ruthlessness for ignorance; certitude for the intellect, and doubt for ignorance; perseverance for the intellect, and anxiety for ignorance; pardon for the intellect, and revenge for ignorance; self sufficiency for the intellect, and poverty for ignorance; pondering for the intellect, and neglect for ignorance; memorizing for the intellect, and forgetting for ignorance; loving for the intellect, and enmity for ignorance; obeying for the intellect, and rebelling for ignorance; contentment for the intellect, and greed for ignorance; justice for the intellect, and injustice for ignorance; friendship for the intellect, and enmity for ignorance; loyalty for the intellect, and treachery for ignorance; humbleness for the intellect, and arrogance for ignorance; right for the intellect, and wrong for ignorance; health for the intellect, and affliction for ignorance; love for the intellect, and hate for ignorance; honesty for the intellect, and telling lies for ignorance; trustworthiness for the intellect, and treason for ignorance; sincerity for the intellect, and corruption for ignorance; bravery for the intellect, and stupidity for ignorance; understanding for the intellect, and ignorance for ignorance; recognition for the intellect, and denial for ignorance; putting up with other people's minor mistake for the intellect, and divulging other people's minor mistakes for ignorance; keeping other's secrets for the intellect, and divulging other's secrets for ignorance; hiding for the intellect, and divulging for ignorance; praying for the intellect, and neglecting (prayers) for ignorance; fasting for the intellect, and breaking fast for ignorance; engaging in Jihad for the intellect, and refusal to testify for ignorance; pilgrimage for the intellect, and breaking covenant for ignorance; keeping secrets for the intellect, and slandering for ignorance; being kind with parents for the intellect, and being cursed by parents for ignorance; truth for the intellect, and hypocrisy for ignorance;

( 629 )

والتواضع وضدّه التكبّر، والتؤدة وضدّها التسرع، والحلم وضدّه السَفَه، والصمت وضدّه الهَذر، والاستسلام وضدّه الاستكبار، والتسليم وضدّه التجبّر، والعفو وضدّه الحِقد، والرقة وضدّها القسوة، واليقين وضدّه الشك، والصبر وضدّه الجزع، والصفح وضدّه الانتقام، والغنى وضدّه الفقر، والتفكّر وضدّه السهو، والحفظ وضدّه النسيان، والتعطّف وضدّه القطيعة، والطاعة وضدّها المعصية، والقنوع وضدّه الحرص، والمُواساة وضدّها المنع، والمودّة وضدّها العداوة، والوفاء وضدّه الغدر، والخضوع وضدّه التَطاول، والحقّ وضدّه الباطل، والسلامة وضدّها البلاء، والحبُّ وضدّه البُغض، والصِدق وضدّه الكذب، والأمانة وضدّها الخيانة، والإخلاص وضدّه الشوب، والشهامة وضدّها البلادة، والفهم وضدّه الغباوة، والمعرفة وضدّها الإنكار، والمُداراة وضدّها المُكاشفة، وسلامة الغيب وضدّها المُماكرة، والكِتمان وضـدّه الإفـشـاء، والصلاة وضدّها الإضاعة، والصوم وضدّه الإفطار، والجـهـاد وضـدّه النُـكـول، والحـجّ وضـدّه نـبـذُ المـيـثـاق، وصون الحديث وضـدّه الـنـمـيـمـة، وبِـرّ الـوالـديـن وضـدّه الـعـقُـوق، والحـقـيـقـة وضـدّهــا الرياء،

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good for the intellect, and evil for ignorance; covering oneself for the intellect, and playing up a woman's charms for ignorance; covering up for the intellect, and making up oneself for ignorance; concealment for the intellect and divulging for ignorance; being fair for the intellect, and siding with the wrong for ignorance; making up for the husband for the intellect, and fornication for ignorance; cleanliness for the intellect, and filthiness for ignorance; shyness for the intellect, and taking off the clothes for ignorance; assuming a mediators position for the intellect, and aggression for ignorance; comfort for the intellect, and hard work for ignorance; easiness for the intellect, and hardship for ignorance; abundance of blessings for the intellect, and scarcity for ignorance; health for the intellect, and affliction for ignorance; reasonable wealth for the intellect, and hoarding for ignorance; wisdom for the intellect, and selfish desires for ignorance; dignity for the intellect, and humility for ignorance; prosperity for the intellect, and ruin for ignorance; repentance for the intellect, and insistence on sin for ignorance; asking for forgiveness for the intellect, and being too proud for ignorance; protection for the intellect, and neglect for ignorance; performing supplications for the intellect, and abandoning supplications for ignorance; joy for the intellect, and boredom for ignorance; happiness for the intellect, and sorrow for ignorance; intimacy for the intellect, and anger for ignorance; generosity for the intellect, and stinginess for ignorance. All the characteristics which are the troops of the intellect will only be present in the Prophet (a.s) or the Imams (a.s) or a believer who has tested his heart with faith. But other friends of ours have some of these and can slowly attain the rest and avoid the troops of ignorance. Then they will reach the high ranks of the Prophets and the Imams. This prosperity is only obtained by the recognition of the intellect and its troops and by avoiding ignorance and its troops. May God assist both you and us in obeying and pleasing Him."

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والمعروف وضدّه المنكر، والستر وضدّه التَبرُّج، والتقيّة وضدّها الإذاعة، والإنصاف وضدّه الحميّة، والتهيئة وضدّها البغي، والنظافة وضدّها القذارة، والحياء وضدّه الخلع، والقصد وضدّه العدوان، والراحة وضدّها التعب، والسُهولة وضدّها الصُعوبة، والبركة وضدّها المحق، والعافية وضدّها البلاء، والقوام وضدّه المُكاثرة، والحِكمة وضدّها الهوى، والوقار وضدّه الخِفّة، والسعادة وضدّها الشقاوة، والتوبة وضدّها الإصرار، والاستغفار وضدّه الاغترار، والمحافظة وضدّها التهاون، والدعاء وضدّه الاستنكاف، والنشاط وضدّه الكسل، والفرح وضدّه الحُزن، والأُلفة وضدّها العصبية، والسَخاء وضدّه البُخل. فلا تجتمع هذه الخصال كلّها من أجناد العقل إلا في نبيٍّ أو وصيّ نبيٍّ أو مؤمنٍ قد امتحن الله قلبه بالإيمان، وأمّا سائر ذلك من موالينا فإنّ أحدهم لا يخلو من أن يكون فيه بعض هذه الجُنود حتّى يستكمل ويتّقي من جنود الجهل، فعند ذلك يكون في الدرجة العُليا مع الأنبياء والأوصياء، وإنّما يدرك الفوز بمعرفة العقل وجنوده ومجانبة الجهل وجنوده، وفّقنا الله وإيّاكم لطاعته ومرضاته.

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Chapter 3

On the Heart

God the Almighty said: "Verily in this is a Message for any that has a heart and understanding…" [The Holy Quran: 50:37]

1499- In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Indeed the heart strives to seek God and gets calm when it finds Him." Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) recited: "Those whom God (in His Plan) willeth to guide, - He openeth their breast to Islam, those whom He willeth to leave straying, -He maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies" [The Holy Quran: Anam 6:125]

1500- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said the following regarding the verse: "For every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be inquired into (on the Day of Reckoning)." [The Holy Quran: Bani Isra-il 17:36] The ear will be questioned about what it has heard. The eyes will be questioned about what they have seen, and the heart will be asked about decisions made."

1501- Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted on the authority of his noble father (a.s). "Nothing will corrupt the heart as much as committing sins. The heart will encounter the sins, and will continue until the sins overcome it. Then the heart will be turned upside down."

1502- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Talk with each other whenever you meet since it can keep your hearts alive."

1503- In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that God's Prophet (a.s) said: "There is a piece of meat in our body whose health means the rest of the body is healthy, and whose illness means the rest of body is ill. It is the heart."

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الفصل الثالث

في ذكر القلب

قال الله تعالى: ]إنَّ في ذلِكَ لَذِكْرى لِمَنْ كانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ.[

1499. من المحاسن: عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنّ القلب يَتلجلج في الجوف، يطلب الحقّ، فإذا أصابه اطمأنّ وقَرَّ، ثمّ تلا أبو عبد الله عليه السلام هذه الآية: ]فَمَنْ يُرِدِ الله أَنْ يَهْدِيَهُ[ إلى قوله: ]كَأنَّما يَصَّعَّدُ في السَّماءِ.[

1500. عن الصادق عليه السلام قال: ]إنّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولئِكَ كانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤولا[، قال: يُسأل السمع عمّا سَمِعَ، والبصر عمّا نظر إليه، والفُؤاد عمّا عقد عليه.

1501. عن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: ما مِن شيءٍ أفسد للقلب من الخطيئة، إنّ القلب ليواقع الخطيئة فما تزال به حتّى تغلب عليه، فيصير أسفله أعلاه وأعلاه أسفله.

1502. عنه عليه السلام قال: إذا التقيتُم فتذاكروا، فإنّ ذلك حياةً للقلوب.

1503. من كتاب روضة الواعظين: قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: في الإنسان مُضغةٌ؛ إذا هي سَلُمتْ وصَحّتْ سَلُم بها سائر الجَسَد، وإذا هي سَقُمتْ سَقُم بها سائر الجَسَد وفَسَد، وهي القلب.

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1504- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "There are three things which will make the heart perish: listening to vain talk; going hunting, and going to the door of the king's palace."

1505- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "There are four acts which corrupt the heart and develop hypocrisy as water helps a tree develop: listening to vain or obscene talk; going to the door of the king's palace, and going hunting."

1506- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "There are four acts which corrupt the heart and develop hypocrisy as water helps a tree develop: listening to vain talk; vain talk; going to the door of the king's palace, and going hunting."

1507- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Four acts will make the heart perish: committing sins continuously; talking with women often; arguing with a fool since you talk with him but he will never be guided to the right way, and associating with the dead!" They asked him what he means by the dead? The Prophet of God (a.s) said: "All the rich who live in ease and luxury."

1508- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Signs of ruthlessness are drying tears from the eyes, hardness of the heart, extreme greed in obtaining the daily bread and insisting on sins."

1509- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "Your hearts will get tired just as your bodies do. So seek the newest words of wisdom for them. Sometimes the heart turns towards you, and sometimes it turns away. Whenever it turns towards you, get it involved in performing the recommended deeds And when it turns away, just suffice with performing the obligatory deeds."

1510- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "Nothing will corrupt the heart as much as committing sins. The heart will encounter the sins, and will continue until the sins overcome it. Then the heart will be turned upside down."

1511- The Prophet of God (a.s) said: "Whenever man commits a sin, a black spot will form on his heart which will not be removed unless he asks for God's forgiveness and repents. If he continues to commit sins, that black spot will continue to grow. This is the "stain" which God the Almighty mentions in the Quran: "By no means! But on their hearts is the stain of (ill) which they do!" [The Holy Quran: Tatfif 83:14]

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1504. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: ثلاثٌ يُمِتْنَ القلب: استماع اللهو وطلب الصيد وإتيان باب السلطان.

1505. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: أربعٌ يُفسدن القلب ويُنبتن النفاق في القلب كما يُنبت الماء الشجر: استماع اللهو، والبذاء، وإتيان باب السلطان، وطلب الصيد.

1506. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: أربعةٌ يفسدون القلب، تنبت النفاق في القلب كما ينبت الماء الشجر: استماع اللهو والبذاء وإتيان باب السلطان وطلب الصيد.

1507. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: أربعٌ يُمِتْنَ القلب: الذَنْبُ على الذَنْب، وكثرةُ مثافنة النساء -يعني مُحادَثتهنّ- ومُماراة الأحمق؛ تقولُ ويَقولُ ولا يَرجع إلى خيرٍ أبداً، ومُجالسة الموتى، فقيل: يا رسول الله، وما الموتى؟ قال: كلّ غَنّيٍ مُترفٍ.

1508. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: مِن علامات الشِقاء جُمود العين، وقسوة القلب، وشدّة الحِرص في طلب الرزق، والإصرار على الذنب.

1509. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام إنّ هذه القلوب لََتملُّ كما تَملّ الأبدان، فابتغوا لها طرائف الحِكمة، وإنّ للقلوب إقبالاً وإدباراً، فإذا أقبلتْ فاحملوها على النوافل، وإذا أدبرتْ فاقتصروا بها على الفرائض.

1510. قال الباقر عليه السلام ما مِن شيءٍ أفسد للقلب من الخطيئة، إنّ القلب لَيواقع الخطيئة فما تزال به حتّى تغلب عليه، فيصير أسفله أعلاه وأعلاه أسفله.

1511. قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: إنّ المرء إذا أذنبَ كانت نُكتةٌ سوداءٌ في قلبه، فإن تاب ونزع فاستغفر صَقُل قلبه منها، وإن زاد [زادت] فذلك الرَين الّذي ذكره الله تعالى في كتابه: ]كلاَّ بَلْ رانَ عَلى قُلُوبِهِمْ ما كانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ[.

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1512- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "The tears do not dry up except through hardness of the heart, and the hearts do not turn hard except by committing a lot of sins."

1513- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "There is a mine for everything. And the mine for piety is the hearts of the sages."

1514- Luqman told his son: "O' my son! Sit close to the scientists and associate with them since God revives the hearts with the light of wisdom, just as He revives the Earth with water."

1515- Al-Hassan ibn Muhammad al-Soofi al-Sarvi quoted on the authority of his teachers that God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Keep yourself hungry, your faces uncovered, your hair not made up, and be sad. Associate less with the people and more with God. Then you may see God through your hearts."

1516- In Uyun Akhbar al-Reza it is narrated that Imam Reza (a.s) said: "On the day when the hearts will perish, the hearts of those who attend meetings in which our affairs are revived will not perish."

1517- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Approaching God is more efficient through the heart than the body, since spiritual motions are more efficient than physical motions."

( 637 )

1512. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ما جفّت الدموع إلا لقسوة القلوب، وما قست القلوب إلا لكثرة الذنوب.

1513. قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: لكلّ شيءٍ معدنٌ، ومعدن التقوى قلوب العارفين.

1514. قال لقمان لابنه: يا بُنيّ جالس العلماء وزاحمهم بركبتك، فإنّ الله سبحانه و تعالي يُحيي القلوب بنور الحِكْمة كما يُحيي الأرض مِن ماء السماء.

1515. حدّثنا الفقيه موفّق الدين الحسن بن محمّد الصوفي السروي عن شيوخه عن النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم أنّه قال: أجيعوا أكبادكم، وأعرو صوركم، وأشعثوا رؤوسكم، وصُبّوا عليكم جَلباب الحُزن، وجالسوا الناس قليلاً ومع الله كثيراً، لعلّكم ترون الحقّ بقلوبكم.

1516. من عيون الأخبار: عن الرضا عليه السلام قال: مَن جلس مجَلسا يُحيا فيه أُمورنا لم يمت قلبه يوم تموت القلوب.

1517. قال الصادق عليه السلام القصد إلى الله بالقلوب أبلغ من القصد إليه بالبدن، وحركات القلوب أبلغ من حركات الأعمال

( 638 )

Chapter 4

On privacy and Seclusion

1518- In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Seclusion is a form of worship, but staying at home is a man's smallest fault."

1519- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will take whoever imprisons his own self for the sake of God to Heaven."

1520- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "The Almighty God revealed to one of the Prophets of the Israelites: "If you wish to see Me in Paradise in the Hereafter, be lonely, sad, fear the people as a bird which flies over dry land and eats the top of branches and drinks from the springs and goes to its nest at night, and does not seek refuge in the nests of other birds. It is accustomed to its Lord and fears other birds."

1521- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "God, whose Majesty is Exalted revealed to the world: Put whoever serves you in hardship; serve whoever abandons you. Whenever one sits in the privacy of the night and prays to and calls on his Master, God will illuminate his heart. Whenever he says: "O' Lord!" God whose Majesty is Exalted will respond to him and say: "O' My servant! I heard you. Ask Me for whatever you want. I will grant it to you. Rely on Me, and I will suffice you." Then the One whose Majesty is exalted tells the angels: "O' My angels! Notice My servant who is having a private time with Me in the darkness of this night, while the rogues are having fun, and the ignorant people are asleep. Witness that I have created him." Then God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Fear God and strive to worship. Abstain from this world which abstains from you. The world is tricky, transient and ephemeral. Many are fooled by it and get ruined. The world was treacherous to many who trusted it. The world tricked many who relied on it. The world forced them to submit to it. Beware that you have an awesome path to go on, and a long trip to make before you can cross the Bridge to the Hereafter. A traveler should pick up the necessary things for his trip. Whoever does not, will suffer hardships. The best thing to pick up for the trip to the Hereafter is piety."

( 639 )

الفصل الرابع

في الخـلوة والعُزلة وما يليق بهما

1518. من كتاب المحاسن: عن أبي بصير قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام العُزلة عبادةٌ، وإنّ أقلّ العيب على المرء قُعوده في منزله.

1519. عنه عليه السلام قال: ما كان عبدٌ ليحبس نفسه على الله إلا أدخله الجنّة.

1520. عن الصادق عليه السلام قال: إنّ الله تبارك وتعالى أوحى إلى نبيٍّ من أنبياء بني إسرائيل: إن أحببتَ أن تلقاني غداً في حظيرة القُدس فكُن في الدنيا وحيداً غريباً مهموماً محزوناً مستوحشاً من الناس بمنزلة الطير الّذي يطير في أرض القِفار، ويأكل من رُؤوس الأشجار، ويَشرب من ماء العُيون، فإذا كان الليل آوى وحده ولم يأوِ مع الطُيور، استأنس بربّه واستوحش من الطيور.

1521. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: إنّ الله جلّ جلاله أوحى إلى الدنيا: أتعبي مَن خَدمَك واخدمي من رفضك، وإنّ العبد إذا تخلّى بسيّده في جوف الليل المُظلِم وناجاه؛ أثبت الله النور في قلبه، فإذا قال: يا ربّ! ناداه الجليل جلّ جلاله: لبيّك عبدي، سلني أُعطك وتوكّل عليَّ أكفّك، ثمّ يقول جلّ جلاله للملائكة: ملائكتي! انظروا إلى عبدي قد تخلّى بي في جوف هذا الليل المظلم، والبَطّالون لاهون والغافلون ينامون، اشهدوا أنّي قد غفرتُ له. ثمّ قال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: عليكم بالورع والاجتهاد، وازهدوا في هذه الدنيا الزاهدة فيكم فإنّها غدّارة دار فناءٍ وزوالٍ، كم مِن مُغترٍّ بها قد أهلكتْه، وكم مِن واثقٍ بها قد خانتْه، وكم من مُعتمدٍ عليها قد خدعته وأسلمته! واعلموا أنّ أمامكم طريقا مهولا وسفرا بعيدا وممّركم على الصراط، ولا بدّ للمسافر من زادٍ، فمن لم يتزوّد وسافر عطب وهلك، وخير الزاد التقوى.

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1522- Imam Reza (a.s) narrated that once when Imam Sajjad (a.s) was walking, he ran into a man who was praying to God to grant him perseverance. Imam Sajjad (a.s) told him: "Do not ask for this. Ask God for health, and success in thanking Him for your health, since thanking for being healthy is better than perseverance in the face of trouble. The Prophet of God (a.s) prayed this way: "O' God! I ask You for health, and thanking for being healthy. I ask You for perfect health in this world and the Hereafter."

1523- In Al-Nabowat it is narrated that Ins ibn Malik narrated that Abdullah ibn Salam asked God's Prophet (a.s) about the Prophet Shuhaib. He said: "He is the one who gave the people the glad tidings of my Prophethood, and the Prophethood of my (believing) brother, Jesus, the son of Mary. God told Shuaib: "Rise in your nation and talk to them in your own tongue. When he rose, God opened his tongue with revelations. One of the things that God the Almighty told the people of Shuaib was: "How do they pray? While this act is just plain talk, and is void of action. On the Day that I created the Heavens and the Earth, I established the Prophethood of the Prophets, and established rule in supplications. I established honor in the men who sit on the dirt, and power in the weak and self-sufficiency in the poor."

( 641 )

1522. عن الرضا عليه السلام قال: مرّ عليّ بن الحسين عليهما السلام برجلٍ وهو يدعو الله أن يرزقه الصبر، فقال: ألا لا تقُل هذا! ولكن سل الله العافية والشكر على العافية، فإنّ الشكر على العافية خيرٌ من الصبر على البلاء، كان دُعاء النبيّ: اللهمَّ إنّي أسألُكَ العافِيةَ والشُّكْرَ عَلَى العافِيَةِ وتَمامَ العافيةِ في الدُّنْيا والآخِرَةِ.

1523. من كتاب النبوّة: عن أنس بن مالك قال: إنّ عبد الله بن سلام سأل النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم عن شعيب، فقال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: هو الّذي بشّر بي وبأخي عيسى بن مريم، فقال جلّ جلاله لِشُعيب: قُم في قومك فأوح على لسانك، فلمّا قام شُعيب أنطق الله سبحانه و تعالي على لسانه بالوحي، ومِن جملة قوله لأُمّة شُعيب: كيف دعاؤهم وإنّما هو قولٌ بألسنتهم والعمل مِن ذلك بعيدٌ، وإنّي قضيتُ يومَ خلقتُ السماء والأرض أن أجعل النُبوّة في الأنبياء، وأن أُحوّل الملك في الدعاء، والعزّ في الأذلّاء، والقُوّة في الضعفاء، والغِنى في الفقراء.