1568- Abi Jameeleh quoted on the authority of Imam Sadiq (a.s) that Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) wrote a letter to advise one of his companions: "I will advise myself and you to fear God, the God whose disobedience is not permissible, and there is not any one else on whom we can place any hopes, or can make us self-sufficient. In fact whoever feared God became honorable, strong, satisfied and their intelligence was raised above that of the people of the world. Their bodies are with the people of this world but their heart and intellect are attentive to the Hereafter. Their spiritual illumination of the heart has put out any love for this world that their eyes might have experienced. They recognize the forbidden things in this world and abstain from the doubtful things. By God they have even abandoned the purely allowed things in this world except for a little they are obliged to, and that being a piece of cloth to cover them. Even then they use the most rugged clothes, and the worst food they can get, and they do not place any hopes on them either. They only place their hopes on the Creator of the two worlds. Thus they will work hard, and strain their bodies until their bones can be seen and their eyes are filled with tears. God will reward them with physical and mental strength, and increase their reward in the Hereafter. Reject the lowest form of existence that is this world since love for this world will make you deaf, dumb, blind, and humiliated. Try to compensate during the rest of your life, since those who lived before you were ruined because they insisted on their high hopes, and their procrastinations, and then suddenly the time of death approached by God's order while they were negligent. Then they were placed in the coffin and dispatched to their dark and narrow graves and left their family and children. You leave the world with an attentive heart, having cut off hopes in the world and everyone in it, and go towards God with an unbreakable determination. May God help you and us to obey Him, and succeed in pleasing Him."

1569- Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted on the authority of God's Prophet (a.s): "The soul of one who does not get calmed by God's condolences will not get relieved from regretting in this world. His worries will increase and his fury will not be cured. Whoever does not recognize any blessings of God other than his food, drinks and clothing, is not really doing enough good deeds. His punishment will arrive soon."

( 661 )

1568. عن أبي جميلة قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام كتب أمير المؤمنين -صلوات الله عليه- إلى بعض أصحابه يَعِظُه: أُوصيك ونفسي بتقوى الله، مَن لا تحلّ معصيته ولا يُرجى غيره ولا الغِنى إلا به، فإنّ مَن اتّقى الله عزّ وقوى وشبع وروى ورفع عقله عن أهل الدُنيا، فبدنه مع أهل الدُنيا وقلبه وعقله مُعاينٌ للآخرة، فأطفأ بضوء قلبه ما أبصرت عيناه مِن حُبّ الدُنيا، فقدر حرامها وجانب شُبهاتها، وأضرّ والله بالحلال الصافي إلا ما لابُدّ له من كَسرةٍ يشدّ بها صُلبه، وثوبٌ يُواري به عورته من أغلظ ما يجد وأخشنه، ولم يكن له فيما لابُدّ منه ثقةٌ ولا رجاءٌ فوقعت ثقته ورجاؤه على خالق الأشياء، فجدّ واجتهد وأتعب بدنه حتّى بدت الأضلاع، وغارت العينان فأبدله الله مِن ذلك قوّةً في بدنه وشدّةً في عقله، وما ادّخر له في الآخرة أكثر، فارفض الدُنيا، فإنّ حُبّ الدُنيا يُعمي ويُصمّ ويبكم ويُذلّ الرِقاب، فتدارك ما بقي من عُمرك ولا تقُل غدا وبعد غدٍ، فإنّما هلك مَن مَضى قبلكم بإقامتهم على الأماني والتسويف؛ حتّى أتاهم مِن الله أمرهم بغتةً وهُم غافلون، فنقلوا على أعوادهم إلى قُبورهم المظلمة الضيّقة وقد أسلمهم الأهلون والأولاد، فانقطع إلى الله بقلبٍ مُنيبٍ مِن رَفض الدُنيا وعَزمٍ ليس فيه انكسارٌ ولا انخذالٌ، أعاننا الله وإيّاك على طاعته ووفّقنا وإيّاك لِمرضاته.

1569. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: مَن لم يَتعزّ بِعَزاء الله تَقطّعتْ نفسه حَسرات على الدُنيا، ومَن اتّبع بصره ما في أيدي الناس كثر همّه ولم يشف غيظه، ومَن لم ير لله عليه نعمةً إلا في مَطعمٍ أو مشربٍ أو مَلبسٍ فقد قَصُر عمله ودنا عذابه.

( 662 )

1570- In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that God's Prophet (a.s) said: "The similitude of this world and the Hereafter can be best understood from the following example. Consider dipping your finger into the sea. How much water sticks to your finger when you withdraw it from the sea1."

1571- Jesus (a.s) said: "The similitude of the world and the Hereafter is like that of a man with two wives. Whomever he pleases, the other one will get angry with him."

1572- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "The world is the house of those who do not have a house, and the capital of those who do not have any capital. Whoever collects it is not intelligent; and whoever follows lustful desires does not have any understanding. Whoever opposes the world has no knowledge of it. Whoever is envious of the world does not comprehend it, and whoever strives for it, does not have certitude."

1573- It has been narrated that the Prophet (a.s) recited the verse:"Is one whose heart God has opened to Islam, so that he has received enlightenment from God, (no better than one hard-hearted)?" [The Holy Quran: Zumar 39:22] and said: "When the light shines in the heart, it opens it and illuminates it." He was asked: "O' Prophet of God! Is there any sign with which this can be recognized." He said: "Abstaining from the world, and turning to the Hereafter, and being ready for death before it descends."

1574- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "O' world! Get away from me. Do you want to fool me? Or are you eager for me? You can never do that. Go and fool someone else. I do not need you. I have divorced you, and will never return to you. Life in you is short, and your problems are too many. Your ambitions are base. O' how little are the provisions for and how far is the trip; how great is the entrance place, and how rough is the place to sleep!"

1575- Imam Ali (a.s) said: "The world fools, harms and passes by. God the Almighty did not establish the world as a reward for His friends, or a penalty for His enemies. The people in this world are similar to a caravan having a short rest along the way, and the caravan leader suddenly hollers at them to depart."
1 Translators' note: When you go from this world into the Hereafter, you can not take anything with you.
( 663 )

1570. من كتاب روضة الواعظين: قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: ما الدُنيا في الآخرة إلا مثل ما يجعل أحدكم إصبعه في اليَمّ فلينظر بِمَ يرجع.

1571. قال المسيح عليه السلام مَثَل الدُنيا والآخرة كَمَثَل رَجُلٍ له ضرّتان؛ إن أرضى إحداهما سخطت الأُخرى.

1572. قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: الدُنيا دارُ مَن لا دار له، ومال من لا مال له، ولها يجمع مَن لا عقل له، وشهواتها يطلب مَن لا فهم له، وعليها يُعادي مَن لا علم له، وعليها يَحسُدُ مَن لا فقه له، ولها يسعى من لا يقين له.

1573. روي أنّ النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم قرأ: ]أَفَمَنْ شَرَحَ الله صَدْرَهُ لِلْإِسْلامِ فَهُوَ عَلَى نُورٍ مِنْ رَبِّهِ[ فقال: إنّ النور إذا وقع في القلب انفسح له وانشرح، فقالوا: يا رسول الله، فهل لذلك علامةٌ يُعرف بها؟ قال: التجافي عن دار الغُرور، والإنابة إلى دار الخُلود، والاستعداد للموت قبل نُزول الموت.

1574. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام يا دُنيا إليك عنّي، أبي تعرّضتِ أم إليَّ تشوّقتِ؟ لا حانَ حينك، هيهات غُرّي غيري لا حاجةَ لي فيكِ، قد طلّقتُكِ ثلاثا لا رجعةَ لي فيك، فعيشك قصيرٌ وخطرك يسيرٌ وأمَلُكِ حقيرٌ، آهٍ مِن قِلّة الزاد وطول الطريق وبُعد السفر وعظيم المورد وخُشونة المضجع.

1575. وقال عليه السلام الدُنيا تَغُرُّ وتَضُرُّ وتَمُرُّ، إنّ الله تعالى لم يرضها ثواباً لأوليائه ولا عقاباً لأعدائه، وإنّ أهل الدُنيا كَركْبٍ بيناهم حُلوا إذ صاح بها سائقهم فارتحلوا.

( 664 )

1576- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Being attracted to this world increases sorrow and grief, and abstaining form this world will comfort the heart and the body."

1577- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever gets attached to this world has only grabbed continual grief, unattainable aspirations and unreachable hopes."

1578- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "I am amazed at the one who is stingy both when the world is running in his favor and when it is not. Charity will not affect the world running in your favor and neither will stinginess help when the world is not running in your favor."

1579- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) in one of his sermons said: "O' People! This world is an ephemeral house, but Hereafter is an eternal home. Therefore take something from this world which is your passage for your eternal home. Do not be impudent near those who know your secrets. Take your hearts out of this world before they take your bodies out of it. You live in this world but you are created for the Hereafter. The world is like a poison that those who do not know it will eat. Whenever one dies the angels ask: "What has he sent ahead?", but the people ask: "What has he collected?" Then now send something ahead that is noble and will remain for you. Do not leave anything behind that will be a burden for you. One who has been deprived of spending his wealth in the way of God is really the one who is deprived, and will be envious of those whose scale of good deeds and charity is heavy and get a good place in Heaven and safely pass over the Bridge to the Hereafter."

1580- Imam Reza (a.s) narrated that Jesus (a.s) told his disciples: "O' Israelites! Do not grieve about what you have lost of the goods of this world, as long as your religion is intact, just as the people (who are attached to this world) will not grieve over the loss of their religion as long as their world has remained intact."

1581- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whenever the world favors someone it will even give him the goods of other people, and whenever it turns its back on someone, it will even take away his own goods."

( 665 )

1576. قال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: الرغبةُ في الدُنيا تكثر الهمّ والحزن، والزُهد في الدُنيا يُريح القلب والبدن.

1577. قال الصادق عليه السلام مَن تعلّق قلبه بالدنيا تعلّق منها بثلاث خصالٍ: همٌّ لا يَفنى، وأملٌ لا يُدرك، ورجاءٌ لا يُنال.

1578. وقال عليه السلام عجبت لِمَن يبخل بالدُنيا وهي مُقبلةٌ عليه، أو يبخل بها وهي مُدبرةٌ عنه، فلا الإنفاق مع الإقبال يضرُّه، ولا الإمساك مع الإدبار ينفعه.

1579. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام في بعض خُطبه: أيّها الناس، إنّ الدُنيا دار فناءٍ والآخرة دارُ بقاءٍ، فخذوا مِن ممرّكم لِمقرّكم ولا تهتكوا أستاركم عند مَن يعلم أسراركم، وأخرجوا مِن الدُنيا قلوبكم من قبل أن تُخرج منها أبدانكم، ففي الدُنيا حُييتم وللآخرة خُلقتم، إنّما الدُنيا كالسمّ يأكله مَن لا يعرفه، إنّ العبد إذا مات قالت الملائكة: ما قدّم؟ وقال الناس: ما أخّر؟ فقدّمِوا فضلا يكن لكم، ولا تُؤَخّروا كلاً يكن عليكم، فإنّ المحروم مَن حرم خير ماله، والمغبوط [من] ثقّل بالخيرات والصدقات موازينه، وأحسن في الجنّة بها مهاده، وطيّب على الصراط بها مسلكه.

1580. عن الرضا عليه السلام قال عيسى بن مريم للحواريّين: يا بني إسرائيل، لا تأسوا على ما فاتكم مِن دُنياكم إذا سلم دينكم، كما لا يأسى أهل الدُنيا على ما فاتهم مِن دينهم إذا سلمت دنياهم.

1581. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إذا أقبلت الدُنيا على إنسانٍ أعطته محاسن غيره، وإذا أدبرت عنه سلبته محاسن نفسه.

( 666 )

1582- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "How can I describe a house (i.e. this world) which starts with hardship and ends in destruction. There is reckoning for the illegitimate things, and there is punishment for the forbidden things. Whoever gets rich in this house will become rebellious, and whoever gets needy will get sad. Whoever goes after this world will lose it, and it will go after whoever abandons it. Whoever looks at it will gain insight, but whoever looks for it will get blinded by it."

1583- God's Prophet (a.s) passed by an insane man and asked what had happened to him. They said: "He is insane." The Prophet (a.s) said: "His brain is injured. A real insane person is one who prefers this world to the Hereafter."

1584- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "O' Lord! Please anyone who believes in You, and witnesses to my Prophethood with (the reward of) meeting You. Ease your destiny for him, and give him a little wealth."

1585- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "The world appeared to Jesus (a.s) as a green-eyed woman. He said: "O' woman! How many times have you been married? She said: "Many times." He asked: "Have they all divorced you?" She said: "No. I have killed them all." He said: "Woe to your remaining husbands who do not learn any lessons from the destiny of your previous husbands!"

1586- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "Consider this world to be like a place you have stopped and intend to leave after a short time. Or think of it like some property you have obtained in sleep, and you see nothing in your hand when you wake up. Whenever you see a dead person, assume it is you, and think that you have asked the Lord to return you to this world, and He has done so. Now act like a person who has seen the results of his actions."

1587- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God the Almighty told Moses: "This world is a punishment for Adam's mistake. I punished him by placing him in this world and, made this world cursed. Whatever is in this world is cursed unless it is for Me. O' Moses! My good servants abstained from this world according to the level of recognition they had of Me. The rest of the people got attached to this world due to their ignorance. There is no one who honors this world and his eyes get illuminated by it, and there is no one who considers it to be nothing and does not benefit from it."

( 667 )

1582. قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ما أصف داراً أوّلها عناءٌ وآخرها فَناءٌ! في حلالها حسابٌ وفي حرامها عِقابٌ، مَن استغنى فيها فتن، ومَن افتقر فيها حَزَن، ومَن ساعاها فاتته، ومَن قعد عنها أتته، ومَن أبصر بها بصرته، ومَن أبصر إليها أعمته.

1583. مرّ رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم بمجنونٍ، فقال: ما له؟ فقيل: إنّه مجنونٌ، فقال: بل هو مُصابٌ، إنّما المجنون مَن آثر الدُنيا على الآخرة.

1584. وقال صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: اللّهمّ مَن آمن بك وشهدَ أنّي رسولك فحبّب إليه لقاءك وسهّل عليه قضاءك وأقلل ماله.

1585. من سائر الكُتب: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام تمثّلت الدُنيا للمسيح -صلوات الله عليه- في صورة امرأةٍ زرقاء، فقال: كم تزوّجت؟ فقالت: كثيراً، قال: أفَكُلٌّ طلّقك؟ قالت: لا بل كُلّاً قتلتُ، قال -صلوات الله عليه-: فويح أزواجك الباقين كيف لا يعتبرون بالماضين؟

1586. قال الباقر عليه السلام أنزل الدنيا منك كمنزلٍ نزلته ثمّ أردت التحوّل عنه من يومك، أو كمالٍ اكتسبته في منامك واستيقضت فليس في يدك منه شيءٌ، وإذا حضرت في جنازةٍ فكُن كأنّك المحمول عليها وكأنّك سألت ربّك الرجعة إلى الدُنيا فردَّك، فاعمل عمل من قد عاين.

1587. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال الله تعالى لموسى: يا موسى، إنّ الدُنيا دارُ عقوبةٍ عاقبت فيها آدم عند خطيئته وجعلتها ملعونةً، معلونٌ ما فيها إلا ما كان منها لي، يا موسى، إنّ عبادي الصالحين زهّدوا فيها بقدر علمهم بي، وسائرهم من خلقي رغبوا فيها بقدر جهلهم بي، وما من أحدٍ من خلقي عظّمها فقرّت عينه فيها ولم يُحقّرها أحدٌ إلا انتفع بها.

( 668 )

Imam Sadiq (a.s) then said: "Try to remain unknown if you can. Do not be afraid of getting blamed by the people, since you will be praised by God. Ameer al-Momineen said: "There is no good in this world except for two people: those who add to their good deeds everyday, and those who compensate for their sins by repenting, but how do they know that their repentance is accepted? I swear by God that even if he prostrates so much that his neck breaks, God will not accept his repentance except through the friendship of us, the holy household (of the Prophet). Know that others who benefit from this world are those who respect our rights and hope to receive rewards through us, and are content with their food, clothing and head covering. In this affair they are fearful.

1588- In Uyun Akhbar al-Reza it is narrated that Imam Reza (a.s) said: "You cannot gather wealth unless you have real stinginess, long aspirations, extensive greed, cutting off from the relations of kin and preferring this world to the Hereafter."

1589- In Al-Sabr val-Ta'deeb it is narrated that Nasr ibn al-Sabah al-Balakhi narrated that someone complained to Imam Sadiq (a.s) of his needs. Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Persevere. God will soon make things easy for you." He was quiet for a while, and then faced that man and said: "Tell me how is the Kufa jail?" He said: "May God maintain your health. It is narrow and stinking, and the prisoners there feel bad." Then the Imam (a.s) said: "You are in a prison, too. Do you want a relief. Do you know that this world is a prison for the believers?"

1590- God's Prophet (a.s) said: "O' Lord! I seek refuge in You from this world, since this world prevents me from paying attention to the Hereafter."

1591- Imam Sadiq (a.s) narrated that Jesus (a.s) was passing through an arid desert with his companions. He saw some property left there without an owner. He looked at his companions ad said: "This is death. Walk past it." They walked past it, except for three. Two of them told the third one to go to a nearby town and buy them some food since they were hungry. Once he left, one of the two who had stayed told the other one that they would each get more share if it were divided only between the two of them.

( 669 )

ثمّ قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إن قدرتُم أن لا تعرفوا فافعلوا، وما عليك إن لم يثن الناس عليك، وما عليك أن تكون عند الناس مذموما إذا كنت عند الله محموداً، إنّ أمير المؤمنين -صلوات الله عليه- كان يقول: لا خير في الدُنيا إلا لأحد رجلين: رجلٌ يزداد كلّ يومٍ إحساناً، ورجلٌ يتدارك سيّئته بالتوبة، وأنّى له بالتوبة؟ والله لو سجد حتّى ينقطع عنقه ما قبل الله منه إلا بولايتنا أهل البيت! ألا ومَن عرف حقّنا ورجا الثواب فينا ورضي بقوته، وما يستر عورته وما يكنّ رأسه، وهُم في ذلك خائفون وجلون.

1588. من عيون الأخبار: قال الرضا عليه السلام لا يجتمع المال إلا بخصالٍ خمسٍ، ببُخلٍ شديدٍ، وأملٍ طويلٍ، وحِرصٍ غالبٍ، وقطيعة رحمٍ، وإيثار الدُنيا على الآخرة.

1589. من كتاب الصبر والتأديب: مِن رواية نصر بن الصباح البلخي قال: شكا رجلٌ إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام الحاجة، فقال له أبو عبد الله عليه السلام اصبر فإنّ الله سيجعلُ لك فرجا، ثمّ سكت هنيئةً وأقبل على الرجل فقال: أخبرني عن سجن الكوفة كيف هو؟ فقال: أصلحك الله، ضيّقٌ مُنتِنٌ وأهله منه بسوء حالٍ، فقال له أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إنّما أنت في السجن أتُريدُ أن تكون في سعةٍ؟ أما علمت أنّ الدُنيا سجنُ المؤمن؟

1590. كان النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: يقول: "اللّهمَّ إنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الدُّنيا، فإنَّ الدُّنيا تَمْنَعُ الآخِرَةِ."

1591. ومِن غيره مِن الكتب: عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: مرَّ المسيح عليه السلام في أرض فَلاةٍ ومعه أصحابه فنظر إلى مالٍ مركوزٍ، فنظر إلى أصحابه فقال لهم: إنّه الموت فجوزوا، فجازوا وتخلّف ثلاثةٌ مِن أصحابه عند المال، فقالوا لبعضهم: امضِ إلى هذه المدينة فإنّها بالقُرب، فابتع لنا منها طعاماً فإنّا جياعٌ حتّى إذا جئت قسّمنا المال فيما بيننا، فلمّا أن مضى الرجل، فقال الرجلان أحدهما لصاحبه: يا أبا فُلان، لو كان المال بيني وبينك ما كان أجود وأوفى، فاتّفقا على أن يقتلا الرجل إذا انصرف إليهما.

( 670 )

The man who went to a nearby town to buy food told himself that it would be much better if he could get all that wealth for himself. So he bought some poison, and poisoned the food he bought for the other two. Once they saw him when he returned, they both jumped on him and killed him. Then they ate the food, and both died when they digested it. Jesus (a.s) once again passed by that place and saw that they were dead and that wealth was on the ground. He said: "Did I not tell you that this is death and you should pass by it!"

( 671 )

قال الرجل -وهو يمضي إلى السوق ليبتاع لهم الطعام- لو كان هذا المال لي وحدي لكان أوفق، فاعتزم على أن يشتري سمّاً يسمّ الطعام، ففعل وانصرف إليهما بالطعام، فلمّا أن نظرا إليه وثبا به وقتلاه، وجَلَسَا يأكلان الطعام، فحين استقرّ في أجوافهما ماتا جميعاً، وانصرف المسيح مِن الموضع الّذي كان مضى إليه، فوقف على المال وهُم صرعى حوله، فقال عليه السلام ألم أقُل لكم إنّه الموت جوزوا.

( 672 )

Chapter 8

On Collecting Wealth and its Harms for a Believer

1592- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Nothing is worse than suddenly getting some property for a believer (since that will make him forget himself). Even worse than this is if his believing brother comes to him and asks to establish family relations through marriage, and he turns down his proposal by saying "No. We are richer than you are."

1593- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Nothing is more harmful for a believer than the wealth he obtains. Even worse is when someone comes to propose to marry your daughter, and you turn him down and say: I will not let him marry my daughter because he does not have any wealth."

1594- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever is more attached to this world will be more regretful when he is about to depart from this world."

1595- Imam Baqir (a.s) narrated that Sa'd who was one of the people of Suffah was a poor, religious, and abstinent believer. He was really needy. He always accompanied God's Prophet (a.s) at times of praying, and did not leave him. The Prophet of God (a.s) who noticed his need and self-respect felt sorry, and once told him that he would help him if he could. Then Gabriel descended and gave the Prophet two Durhams and asked the Prophet to give the poor man the money and instruct him to do business with it and live with his God-given daily bread. Sa'd accepted the money. After the Prophet (a.s) finished the afternoon prayer, he told him to go after his business since he felt bad for him. Sa'd got up and left. He made a lot of profit from doing business and soon he got really wealthy. He bought a store near the Prophet's mosque and started to collect the profit of his doing business there. Whenever Bilal announced the call to prayer, the Prophet of God (a.s) went to the mosque but Sa'd did not do his ablution and prepare to pray. He was busy with his world.

( 673 )

الفصل الثامن

في ما جاء في جمع المال وما يدخل على المؤمن من النقص في جمعه

1592. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ما من رزيّةٍ تدخل على عبدٍ مسلمٍ أشدّ عليه مِن مالٍ يُصيبه وأهون مِن ذلك أن يأتيه أخوه، فيقول: زوّجني، فيقول: لا أفعل أنا أغنى منك

1593. عنه عليه السلام قال: ما شيءٌ يستفيد امرؤٌ مسلمٌ أضرّ عليه مِن مالٍ يستفيده، وأيسره أن يخطب إليه مَن هو خيرٌ منه، أو مثله في الدين فيقول: لا؛ ليس له مالٌ لا أُزوّجه.

1594. عنه عليه السلام قال: مَن كَثُرَ اشتباكه بالدُنيا كان أشدّ لحسرته عند فراقها.

1595. عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام يقول: كان على عهد رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم فقيرٌ مؤمنٌ عابدٌ شديد الحاجة مِن أهل الصُفّة، وكان مُلازما لرسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم عند مواقيت الصلاة عليها لا يفقُده، وكان رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم يرقّ له إذا نظر إلى حاجته وعزّته، وكان يقول: يا سعد، لو كان جاءني شيءٌ لأغنيتُك، فأتاه جبرئيل فأعطاه درهمين، فقال: أعطه إيّاهما ومُره أن يتّجر بهما وينصرف لرزق الله، فأخذهما سعد، فلمّا صلّى مع النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم الظهر والعصر قال: قُمْ يا سعد، فاطلب الرزق قد كنتُ بحالك مُغتمّاً، فأقبل سعدٌ لا يشتري بدرهمٍ شيئا إلا باعه بدرهمين، ولا يشتري بدرهمين إلا باعه بأربعةٍ، وأقبلت الدُنيا على سعد فكثر متاعه وماله وعظمت تجارته، فاتّخذ على باب مسجد رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم حانوتاً فجلس فيه يجمع تجارته، وكان رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم إذا قال بلال: "الصلاة" يخرج وسعد مشغولٌ بالدُنيا، فلم يتطهّر ولم يتهيّأ للصلاة.

( 674 )

The Prophet (a.s) told him: "O' Sa'd! This world has hindered you from praying." Sa'd said: "What can I do? I will lose my wealth. I have to stay here and attend to the deals I make when the customers come in and go out. Then Gabriel descended and said: "O' Muhammad! The wealth of this world makes one distant from the Hereafter. Ask him to return the two Durhams I gave you." The Prophet (a.s) said: "O' Sa'd! Will you not return the two Durhams to us?" Sa'd said: "Yes. I will even give you two hundred Durhams!" The Prophet (a.s) said: "No. I just want the two Durhams that I gave you." Sa'd gave him two Durhams." Then suddenly the tables turned around and Sa'd lost all the wealth he had collected and returned to his previous state."

1596- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God never gave someone thirty thousand Durhams for his prosperity. No one collected even ten thousand Durhams by legitimate means. Sometimes God combines this world and the Hereafter for some people. For example, when God gives some people their daily income and also enables them to perform a good deed. This is where both their world and their Hereafter is involved."

1597- Imam Reza (a.s) said: "There are certain duties for one who owns blessings: paying the alms tax; helping his believing brothers; visiting the relations of kin; providing the means of comfort for his family; etc." Then he said: "Sometimes I receive a blessing but cannot enjoy it unless I know I have fulfilled what is incumbent upon me regarding it."

1598- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "God's blessings will not increase unless God's share of it increases."

1599- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "No believer got worldly gains through his expertise unless he lost some of his heavenly benefits."

1600- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God gave you this increased wealth to spend in ways ordained by God, not to save it."

1601- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God did not grant anyone a lot of wealth and later take him to Heaven, unless He reduced his benefits in Heaven."

1602- Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "We like wealth, and only use it in good ways. Whoever obtains a lot of wealth in this world will lose some of his benefits in the Hereafter. Whoever owns one hundred thousand Durhams is not one of our followers."

( 675 )

فيقول النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: يا سعد، شغلتك دُنياك عن الصلاة، وكان سعد يقول: فما أصنع أُضيّع مالي؟ هذا رجلٌ قد بعتُه فأُريدُ أن أستوفي منه، وهذا رجلٌ قد اشتريتُ منه فأُريدُ أن أُوفيه، فأتاه جبرئيل فقال: يا محمّد، المال والدنيا فيه مشغلةٌ عن الآخرة، فقل لسعد يَرُدُّ عليك الدرهمين اللّذين دفعتهما إليه، فقال النبيّ صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: يا سعد، أما تردّ الدرهمين علينا؟ فقال سعد: بلى ومائتين، فقال: لَستُ أُريد إلا الدرهمين، فأعطاه سعد درهمين، فأدبرت الدُنيا على سعد حتّى ذهب جميع ما كان جَمَعَ وعاد إلى حاله الّتي كان عليها.

1596. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ما أعطى الله عبداً ثلاثين ألفاً وهو يُريد به الخير، وما جمع رجلٌ قطّ عشرة آلافٍ مِن حِلّ، وقد يجمع الله الدُنيا والآخرة لأقوامٍ إذا أُعطوا القوت ورُزِقوا العمل الصالح فقد جمعت لهم الدُنيا والآخرة.

1597. عن الرضا عليه السلام قال: صاحبُ النعمة يجب عليه حقوقٌ، منها: الزكاة في ماله، ومنها: المُواساة لإخوانه، ومنها: الصلة لرحِمهِ والتوسعة لعياله، وغير ذلك من الحقوق. ثمّ قال عليه السلام ربّما صارت إليَّ النعمة فما أتهنّى بها حتّى أعلم أنِّي قد أدّيتُ ما يجب عليَّ فيها.

1598. عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: ما عظمت نعمة الله على أحدٍ قطّ إلا ازداد حقّ الله عليه عظماً.

1599. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ما مِن مؤمنٍ نال بسلطانه مِن الدُنيا إلا نقص حظّه مِن الآخرة.

1600. عنه عليه السلام قال: إنّما أعطاكم هذه الفضول لتوجّهوها حيث وجّهها الله ولم يعطكموها لتكنزوها.

1601. عنه عليه السلام قال: ما أعطى الله عبداً مِن الدُنيا كثيراً ثمّ أدخله الجنّة إلا كان أقلّ لحظّه فيها.

1602. عن جعفر عليه السلام قال: نُحبُّ المال ولا نُؤتي إلا خيراً، وما أُوتي عبدٌ في هذا الدُنيا إلا كان نقص لحظّه في الآخرة، وما مِن شيعتنا مَن له مائةٌ ألف درهمٍ.

( 676 )

1603- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will not grant any believers more than forty thousand Durhams since He wishes them well."

1604- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever owns ten thousand Durhams is not one of our followers unless he gives charity from the back, the front, the right and the left."

1605- Imam Baqir (a.s) said the following regarding the following verse: "And there are those who bury gold and silver" [The Holy Quran: Tauba 9:34] "This applies to those who collect more than two thousand Durhams." It is said that the religious, knowledgeable men calculate their wealth every night, and divide -give away in charity- what is in excess of two thousand Durhams, and never keep more than two thousand Durhams."

1606- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "We are persevering, and our followers are even more persevering." The man who heard this did not like it and said: "How can your followers be more persevering than you are?" He said: "We persevere in what we know its ending, but they persevere even though they do not know the ending."

1607- Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "Some people will come after you who will be tortured, killed, or enslaved for me. No one has seen such people even in the previous generations. Beware that whichever of them who has certitude in me and perseveres, and recognizes my nobility, will be of the same rank as I am in the Hereafter." Then he sighed and said: "They belong to us and we belong to them."

1608- Imam Sadiq (a.s) told Mufaz'zil ibn Amr: "O' Mufaz'zil! Abstain from committing sins, and admonish our followers to abstain from sins. I swear by God that there is nothing you face more than sins. I swear by God that whenever one of you gets ill, it is due to the sins that he has committed. Also if any one of you are is deprived of his daily bread and wonders why, it is because of the sins that he has committed. And if he gets oppressed by a king and wonders why it is due to the sins he has committed.

( 677 )

1603. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام ما أعطى الله مؤمناً أكثر مِن أربعين ألفاً لخيرٍ يُريد.

1604. عنه عليه السلام قال: ليس مِن شيعتنا مَن مَلك عشرة آلاف درهمٍ إلا مَن أعطى يميناً وشمالاً وقُدّام وخلف.

1605. عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام في قول الله سبحانه و تعالي: ]والَّذِينَ يَكْنِزُونَ الذَّهَبَ وَالْفِضَّةَ...[ الآية قال: إنّما عنى ذلك ما جازوا ألفي درهمٍ. وذكر أنّ العلماء يُحاسبون أنفسهم كلَّ ليلةٍ، فإن كان عندهم من العين أكثر مِن ألفي درهمٍ أخرجوه فَقَسّموه، ولا يثبت عندهم أكثر مِن ألفي درهمٍ.

1606. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنّا لنصبرُ وإنّ شيعتنا لأصبر مِنّا، قال: فاستعظمتُ ذلك، فقلتُ: كيف يكون شيعتُكم أصبر منكم؟ فقال: إنّا لنصبر على ما نَعلمُ وأنتُم تصبرون على ما لا تعلمون.

1607. عن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: إنّ مِن ورائكم قوما يلقون فيَّ مِن الأذى والتشديد والقتل والتنكيل ما لم يلقه أحدٌ في الأُمم السالِفة، ألا وإنّ الصابر منهم المُوقِن بي، العارف فضل ما يؤتى إليه فيَّ لمعي في درجةٍ واحدةٍ، ثمَّ تنفّس الصُعَداء فقال: آهٍ آهٍ على تلك الأنفس الزاكية والقلوب الرضيّة المرضيّة! أُولئك أخِلّائي، هُم منّي وأنا منهم.

1608. عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال لمفضّل بن عُمر: يا مُفضّل، إيّاك والذنوب، وحَذّر شيعتنا مِن الذنوب، فَوَالله ما هي إلى شيءٍ أسرعُ منها إليكم، والله إنّ أحدكم لَيُرمى بالسُقم في بدنه وما هو إلا بذنوبه، وإنّ أحدكم لَيُحجبُ مِن الرزق فيقول: ما لي وما شأني وما هو إلا بذنوبه! وإنّه لَتُصيبه المعرّة مِن السلطان فيقول: ما لي وما هو إلا بالذنوب.

( 678 )

I swear by God that you will not be questioned about these sins in the Hereafter1."

1609- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "On the Resurrection Day God will apologize to a needy believer, just as a brother apologizes to his brother. God says: "I swear by My Honor that I did not make you poor to humiliate you. Push this curtain aside to see what I have given you instead." Then the man pushes the curtain aside and looks at what God the Almighty has given to him instead of this world and he will say: "There was no harm for me due to what You took away from me (in the world) considering what you have given me instead (now in the Hereafter)."

1610- Saeed ibn al-Musayeb narrated that God's Prophet (a.s) said: "O' people! There will soon come after me rulers whose rule is not possible except by force and murder. They will collect wealth through stinginess and greed. Whoever lives then and perseveres in the face of poverty, even though he can gain wealth from them; and perseveres in their animosity, even though he can attract their love; and perseveres in humiliation, even though he can attain honor from them; and this perseverance is all for the sake of God will be rewarded by God -the reward of fifty two martyrs."
1 Translators' note: There is no reckoning for these sins in the Hereafter since you have already been punished for in this world. Note that this is a special privilege for the believers. Please read tradition no.1701 for example
( 679 )

وذاك والله إنّكم لا تؤاخذون بها في الآخرة.

1609. عنه عليه السلام قال: إنّ الله لَيعتذر إلى عبده الُمحوّج المؤمن كما يعتذر أخٌ إلى أخيه فيقول: وعزّتي ما أفقرتُك لهوان كان لك عليَّ! ارفع هذا الغطاء، فانظر ما عوّضتُك مِن الدُنيا، قال: فيكشف فينظر إلى ما عوّضه الله تعالى مِن الدُنيا فيقول: ما ضرّني يا ربّ ما منعتني مع ما قد عوّضتني.

1610. عن سعيد بن المُسيّب رفعه، قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و اله و سلم: أيّها الناس، سيكون بعدي أُمراء لا يستقيم لهم الملك إلا بالقتل والتجبُّر، ولا يستقيم لهم الغنى إلا بالبُخل والتكبُّر، فمن أدرك ذلك الزمان منكم فصبر على الفقر وهو يقدر على الغناء منهم، وصبر على البغضاء وهو يقدر على المحبّة منهم، وصبر على الذُلّ وهو يقدر على العِزّ منهم، ويُريد بذلك وجه الله والدار الآخرة أعطاه الله أجر اثنين وخمسين شهيداً.